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Dear Patriots: According To The Left, Everyone Is Brilliant But Trump

The Media (D) and the Leftists have strong opinions on our ‘very stable genius’ president.

They don’t think he’s all that bright.

This is nothing new in the leftist playbook.

They did the same thing with former President George W. Bush, former Vice President, Dan Quayle, and a host of others.

Jonah Goldberg wrote an article in the L.A. Times about the nostalgia for the ‘good ol’ days’ of conservatism and he touched on the way that Republicans are viewed by those on the Left.

You see, this is what critics on the left always say: “If only today’s conservatives were as decent or intellectual or patriotic as those of yesteryear.”

The best conservatives are always dead; the worst are always alive and influential. When Buckley and Kristol, not to mention Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, were alive, they were hated and vilified by the same sorts of people who now claim to miss the old gang. The gold standard of the dead is always a cudgel, used to beat back the living.

Source: L.A. Times, August 3, 2010

But it’s a new level of distaste under this Republican President. That’s because he doesn’t play by the old rules — he makes up his own.

Rabbi Dov Fischer at the American Spectator wrote a smart, insightful article about that very thing.

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

They could not stand up to Matt Lauer at NBC. They could not stand up to Charlie Rose at CBS. They could not stand up to Mark Halperin at NBC. Nor up to Leon Wieseltier at the New Republic, nor Jann Wenner at Rolling Stone, nor Michael Oreskes at NPR, at the New York Times, or at the Associated Press. But — oh, wow! — can they ever stand up to Putin! Only Trump is incapable of negotiating with the Russian tyrant.

That is some dang good writing, right there!

Remember, kiddies, these Media (D) talking heads are all waaaaayy smarter than Donald J. Trump. He was just the man who excelled in real estate in New York, then achieved further success in television, he then blew past multiple qualified candidates to become the Republican nominee, and won the presidency thwarting Hillary’s ‘inevitable’ victory.

Those folks that can’t stand up to repeated sexual predators? They’re the real smart cookies and it’s President Trump that has no idea what he’s doing.

President Trump isn’t taking crap from anyone — not even our allies. He’s not the first to complain about how the United States is being taken for granted. While socialist democracies pooh-pooh America’s lack of social spending, they benefit from the innovation that is derived from capitalism and they rely on the American military because they under-fund their own to pay for their social spending.

Other presidents have politely complained about this, but President Trump drop-kicked them with truth at the NATO summit.  He had watched and learned what doesn’t work, so he handled things the ‘Trump way’.

Every American President has complained about the cheating and imbalance — the NATO penny-pinching-cheapness, the tariff and trade imbalances. In more recent years, the various Bushes complained about it. Even Obama complained about it. But they all did it so gently, so diplomatically. They would deliver the sermon, just as the pastor predictably tells the church-goers on Sunday morning that he is against sin, and the Europeans would sit quietly and nod their heads — nodding from sleeping, not from agreeing — and then they would go back out and sin some more. Another four years of America being suckered and snookered. All they had to do was give Obama a Nobel Peace Prize his ninth month in office and let Kerry ride his bike around Paris.

So Trump did what any effective negotiator would do: he took note of past approaches to NATO and their failures, and correctly determined that the only way to get these penny-pinching-cheap baseborn prigs to pay their freight would be to bulldoze right into their faces, stare them right in their glazed eyes with cameras rolling, and tell them point-blank the equivalent of: “You are the cheapest penny-pinching, miserly, stingy, tightwadded skinflints ever. And it is going to stop on my watch. Whatever it takes from my end, you selfish, curmudgeonly cheap prigs, you are going to pay your fair share. I am not being diplomatic. I am being All-Business: either you start to pay or, wow, are you in for some surprises! And you know what you read in the Fake News: I am crazy! I am out of control! So, lemme see. I know: We will go to trade war! How do you like that? Maybe we even will pull all our troops out of Europe. Hmmm. Yeah, maybe. Why not? Sounds good. Well, let’s see.”(Emphasis added)

The Media (D) went mental saying that President Trump attacked our allies.

No, he didn’t.

He was trying to make right what has been done wrong for years.

Baloney. Obama was the one whom the Left Echo Chamber… Chamber… Chamber never called out for attacking our friends — Israel, Britain, so many others — while cozying up to Hugo Chavezbowing to dictators, and dancing the tango for Raul Castro. Trump is just the opposite: He knows who the friends are, and he wants to maintain and strengthen those friendships. It is no different from a parent telling a 35-year-old son: “I have been supporting you for thirty-five years. I put you through college by signing four years and $100,000 in PLUS Loans. You graduated college fifteen years ago. For fifteen years I have been asking you nicely to look for a job and to start contributing. Instead, you sit home all day playing video games, texting your friends on a smartphone I pay for, and picking little fuzz balls out of your navel. So, look, I love you. You are my flesh and blood. But if you are not employed and earning a paycheck — and contributing to the cost of this household — in six months, we are throwing you out of the house.” That boy is NATO. Trump is Dad. And all of us have been signing for the PLUS Loans.

The Media (D) hysteria only adds to his negotiating ability. That’s precisely why the talks with North Korea went as well as they did — the Media (D) painted President Trump as a nutbar, and they believed them.

Thanks, CNN.

And as for the Trump hearts Putin nonsense… What the heck was he supposed to do? Talk nicely to the former KGB agent in private then denounce him in public?

Here’s the thing: Putin is a dictator. He answers to no one. He does whatever he wants. If there arises an opponent, that guy dies. Maybe the opponent gets poked with a poisoned umbrella. Maybe he gets shot on the street. Maybe the opponent is forced to watch Susan Rice interviews telling the world that Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video seen by nine derelicts in Berkeley and that Bowe Berghdal served with honor and distinction. But, one way or another, the opponent dies.


If you insult Putin in public, like by telling the newsmedia just before or after meeting with him that he is the Butcher of Crimea, and he messed with our elections, and is an overall jerk — then you will get nothing behind closed doors from Putin. Putin will decide “To heck with you, and to heck with the relationship we just forged.” Putin will get even, will take intense personal revenge, even if it is bad for Russia — even if it is bad for Putin. Because there are no institutional reins on him.

But if you go in public and tell everyone that Putin is a nice guy (y’know, just like Kim Jong Un) and that Putin intensely maintains that he did not mess with elections — not sweet little Putey Wutey (even though he obviously did) — then you next can maintain the momentum established beforehand in the private room. You can proceed to remind Putin what you told him privately: that this garbage has to stop — or else. That if he messes in Syria, we will do “X.” If he messes with our Iran boycott, we will do “Y.” We will generate so much oil from hydraulic fracturing and from ANWR and from all our sources that we will glut the market — if not tomorrow, then a year from now. We will send even more lethal offensive military weapons to Ukraine. We can restore the promised shield to Eastern Europe that Obama withdrew. And even if we cannot mess with Russian elections (because they have no elections), they do have computers — and, so help us, we will mess with their technology in a way they cannot imagine. Trump knows from his advisers what we can do. If he sweet-talks Putin in public — just Putin on the Ritz — then everything that Trump has told Putin privately can be reinforced with action, and he even can wedge concessions because, against that background, Putin knows that no one will believe that he made any concessions. Everyone is set to believe that Putin is getting whatever he wants, that Trump understands nothing. So, in that setting, Putin can make concessions and still save face.
Source: The American Spectator

It was the Democrats who had mocked Romney for his concerns about Russia, then held their ‘Russian Reset’ that are now screaming that Putin is the greatest enemy of the United States. When, between 2012 and now, did that happen, and who exactly was the President, hmmmm?

The fact is, it’s been the crappy Democrat foreign policy with regard to Russia that has got us into this mess.

And so, it’s Donald J. Trump to the rescue.


Just like he did for the economy.

And for jobs.

And for deregulation.

That’s precisely why we need to ‘Drain the Swamp’, amirite?

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker