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LeBron James Accuses Trump Of Racism For Making America Great Again

Did you miss ‘The Great Meeting Of The Minds’ when LeBron James was interviewed by CNN’s Don Lemon? It was… something.

This interview proves without a doubt that just because you’re good at one thing, it doesn’t make you an expert on everything.

But then, LeBron admitted as much. He said that he didn’t know he shouldn’t have given his daughter ‘that many damn Skittles‘, either.

LeBron has been vocal about President Trump being ‘divisive’ and politicizing sports. From weighing in on the NFL kneeling controversy to the disinviting of sports stars to the White House, LeBron says that it’s President Trump that is ‘using sports to divide the country’ and inciting racial tensions.

LeBron has been outspoken about politics in the Trump era, and it’s been an absolute sh!tshow (pardon my French).

LMAO! LeBron James, ‘I Mean Too Much to Society To Not Share My Political Views’

LeBron James Called Trump Voters, ‘UNEDUCATED’ – So I Put Him On FULL BLAST!

LeBron James Slams President Trump Again So We Put Him On Full Blast

LeBron said that Trump supporters ‘was uneducated‘ about the issues and made decisions because they ‘was uneducated‘. LeBron is doing something about that. He’s opening a school.

Yes, kiddies, that pillar of intellect, LeBron James, is starting a school that will be edumacating children in Akron. What could possibly go wrong?

In this interview with one of the dumbest ‘journalists’ on CNN, (which is really saying something,) LeBron doubled down.

‘When you’re part of sports, it brings so much comradery and so much fun. We are in a position right now, in America more importantly, where this whole race thing has taken over,’ he said.

‘One, because I believe our president is trying to divide us… he is, he’s dividing us and what I have noticed over the last few months is that he’s kind of used sport to divide.

‘That’s something that I can’t relate to because I know that sport was the first time I was around someone who was white.’ 

Wait a second… what?

LeBron wasn’t around any white people in Akron?

How does that happen?

Did he not go to a store?

Was he that sheltered?

LeBron said that the family dynamics with the white family he became close with was very different from his own upbringing. He joked about learning what a ‘pantry’ was. The family ate dinner at 6:30 pm, which, to him was still the afternoon when he was growing up, and bedtime was at 7:30 pm which he found unusual.

We’re not exactly sure what LeBron’s point was, other than the white family took the time to create routines for their children. Maybe that comes with having two parents in the home, but what the hell do I know.

He then speaks about the uniting quality of sport.

‘Sport has never been something that divides people, it has always been something that brings people together.’

That’s why people on the right get upset when sports are politicized with kneeling before the games and refusing an invitation to the White House as a form of protest. One is literally the symbol of the country that gives you the freedom to protest, the other is an invitation to visit the head of state. That’s an honor.

Y’all can do what you want on your own time, but when you wear that jersey, you are part of an organization and that means that your conduct matters.

It’s also not such a great idea to call the President of the United States a ‘bum’.

But LeBron says that it’s President Trump that’s being divisive?

Give me a break!

‘At times… more often than not, I believe he uses anything that’s popular to try and negate people from the positive things they could be doing,’ he said. ‘At the end of the day sport is why we all come together.’

When asked what he would say to Trump if he was sitting opposite him, James responded: ‘I would never sit across from him. I’d sit across from Barack though.’

Of course he would sit across from Barry.

That’s because they think the same way — identity politics is the main thing for them.

‘Dividing the country’ — is this guy for real?

He must be speaking of the way that black unemployment hitting a historic low under President Trump, as did Hispanic unemployment.

LeBron cites the death of Trayvon Martin as a turning point in making him use his platform to ‘speak out’ on things other than sport.

‘It starts with the Trayvon Martin situation and the reason it starts with that, I believe, is having kids of my own, boys of my own, it hit home for me to see and to hear the story. To think if my boy left home and he never returned – that hit a switch for me,’ he said.

‘From that point on, I knew my voice and my platform had to be used for more than just sports.

‘I can’t sit back and not say nothing.’

He has said that America has always had a race problem.

‘No matter how big you become, no matter how successful you are, not matter what you do in the community or what you do in your profession, being African American in America is always tough,’ he said.

‘They are always going to let you know that you are the N-word, no matter who you are.’

Source: Daily Mail

Yes, America is full of racists that are going to keep black people like LeBron down. Just like the racists kept down Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, multitudes of actors and comedians, and the top-tier athletes in pretty much every sport.

Or maybe LeBron could ask Justice Clarence Thomas, Lt. Col. Allen West, Thomas Sowell, Kanye West or Candace Owens what it’s like to be a black person that disagrees with the leftist orthodoxy.

Watch the meeting of the minds — Don Lemon interviews LeBron James:

Let’s just hope that the I Promise school hires qualified teachers and doesn’t rely on affirmative action. That could be disastrous for students.

 Effeminization Of The American Male

by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker