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News Clash

The Rite Aid Shooter Has Been ID’ed – It Wasn’t A Conservative

When the dust had settled, the Rite Aid shooter had murdered three and injured several others before committing suicide. Here’s what we know so far:

Hard-left internet rag, Salon, posted a piece presenting the shooter as somehow being the ‘real victim’ here. You can bet that’s going to be really comforting to the families of the victims.

Troi Coley, a friend of Moseley’s since high school who had stayed in frequent contact with her in Facebook Messenger, said Moseley sometimes felt as if the world was against her but was not an angry person in spite of her alienation.

Coley said she was shocked to learn that Moseley had been named as the person who carried out the shooting.

“She wasn’t a monster, wasn’t an angry person,” Coley said. “I just believe this was emotional distress. If she did this, it was her last straw.”
Source: Salon

She was a temporary employee at Rite Aid, and had been for two weeks.

But what do we KNOW about Snochia Mosely, besides the fact that she legally owned the Glock she used?

Sorry, Media(D) it wasn’t an AR-15. That doesn’t fit your narrative. Neither does the ‘identity group’ Mosely belongs in.

“Normally, she was a nice person, but she came in in a bad mood,” [Rite Aid employee Mike] Carre said, recounting what Rite Aid employees told him. He added that they said “she wanted to pick a fight. And then she started shooting.”

In all, Carre said, police transferred about 40 employees from Rite Aid to the Zenith offices. He said many were crying as they came in and were in disbelief about what had happened. Police searched them all as a precaution to determine if any were carrying weapons.

No, it wasn’t some white guy. That must be the really heart-breaking part of this news to Hillary’s old Campaign manager, Podesta.

It was a transgendered person.

Woman, maybe? Hard to say. Everyone keeps saying ‘she’. But it’s unclear if that was ‘before’ or ‘after’. Reports have even said that social media didn’t give a preference on what gender to be called.

So, with all the controversy about psychologists debating whether or not gender dysphoria should or should not be considered a mental illness, when someone with that personal history shooting three coworkers dead (she went home during her shift first, so there’s evidence of premeditation) wounded several others and turned the gun on herself?

That’s somehow not considered NEWSWORTHY?

I get how the color of her skin makes no difference (although, as mentioned above, certain political hacks get a twinge of glee when tragedy checks the right boxes). But this speaks directly to the mental health question.

Will that question be picked up by the ‘mainstream’ press? Probably not.

To them, some issues are like Voldemort in Harry Potter. “He that shall not be named.” But here’s the problem, allegedly-free press: If you dare not name it, how will you POSSIBLY shine a light on those dark corners of society that really need it?

Nelly Bly is long since dead. And perhaps her journalistic principles have died with her.

And for anyone who missed the story, here’s the timeline of events themselves, via the Sherrif’s department:

The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck