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​Dear CNN: Liberal Rep Wants To POISON Republican’s Family – Is That ‘News?’

If she said this in the parking lot or on an answering machine, there would be a criminal inquiry.

But you can get away with a lot when you’re ‘debating’ a bill. One HELL of a lot.

Like wishing a *specific* slow and lingering death on a rival politician, his wife, and his two adopted children, age 2 and 2 months, respectively.

But Democrats are the ‘compassionate’ ones, and TRUMP is the one with damaging rhetoric.

The Illinois House was debating a bill on whether or not to override Gov. Rauner’s amendatory veto changing the upper limit to what the State can be made to pay on civil litigation cases, from $100K to $2M.

Democrat Rep. Stephanie Kifowit stood up to make her case. Did she argue about unintended negative consequences of such a limit? Did she lay out a moral case for raising it?

Not so much. She launched straight into a fantasy about her rival and his family — well, let’s hear it in her own words.

Full credit to the Republican side for not letting this outrage slide.

Republican Rep. Jeanne Ives opened a can of (rhetorical) whoop-ass on Kifowit and the Democrats who nodded in agreement.

That’s the kind of fire we expect to see in those officials we’ve elected to represent us, people don’t suffer fools gladly.

The kind of fire that propelled our President to the font of the pack in the first place.


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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck