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News Clash

Lebron’s Back: This Time He’s Targeting NFL Owners In A Race-Baiting Rant

Because nothing says ‘Merry Christmas’ quite like a race-baiting rant.

Just because he’s a helluva ballplayer doesn’t mean he’s a Mensa cardholder.

Lebron, who we’ve had opportunities to make fun of before, has stepped in it again.

Ahiza Garcia of CNN Money reported May 18 that only two people of color owned or co-owned professional NFL teams: Shahid Khan of the Jacksonville Jaguars and Kim Pegula of the Buffalo Bills. The lack of diversity spreads through all major American sports leagues, with the NBA having the most people of color own or co-own teams (only three). The same goes for management and coaching positions as well.

James is one of a few people to call out the league and/or its owners over a “slave mentality” or something similar after NFL owners approved a national anthem policy whereas players must either stand or stay in the locker room. The policy was in direct response to NFL players protesting racial injustice and social inequality during the performance of the song.
Source: BleacherReport

So naturally, this means they’re “slaveholders”.

With slaves that get paid more in a single game than many people make in an entire year. That kind of ‘slave’. They get to be famous, too. Because, well, isn’t that true of all slaves?

Here’s his rant.

Not the first time he’s launched into some dopey race-bating.

But seriously? The NBA has three black owners, to the NFL’s two and somehow NBA is on the side of the angels, and the NFL is the devil incarnate?

Because of what, the NFL Anthem policy?

If that’s the case, he must think the NBA is pretty damned racist, too. After all:

Rules for both leagues are identical in this regard: “Players, coaches and trainers are to stand and line up in a dignified posture along the sidelines or on the foul line during the playing of the national anthem.”
Source: ESPN

Here are a few of his other MENSA moments:

LMAO! LeBron James, ‘I Mean Too Much to Society To Not Share My Political Views’

Watch: LeBron Hates Assault Weapons – Except When He’s Shooting Them

LeBron James Slams President Trump Again So We Put Him On Full Blast

The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now:The Effeminization Of The American Male

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck