VIDEO: Drag Queen Confesses To ‘GROOMING Next Generation’ During His ‘Story Hours’

That’s a direct quote from the Drag Queen, too. He said it on purpose, knowing what he was saying.
We have raised the issue of Drag Queens offering story time in libraries before. If you’re interested in the background of the story, and some sense of just how much it has proliferated, you can get up to speed with any of these three related stories:
Major Texas Library Debuts ‘Drag Queen Storytime’ For The Kiddos
Dear Parents: Would You Allow Drag Queens To Read To Your Kiddies About Drag Queens?
Drag Queens: Feminine Appreciation Or Female ‘Minstrel Shows’?
Now that we’re all up to speed, here’s the problem. This guy (Dylan Pontiff) raised the notion of ‘grooming’ as a good thing.
For most of us, grooming, in the context of children, is an outrageous concept.
We’re not talking about personal hygiene. If you’re wondering why he complained that the room “reacted” to the words he used, there’s a very specific reason.
In the context of a public meeting where parents and other responsible adults were expressing their concerns that having men dressed as women visiting young children for storytime to read to them, where the innocence of childhood was being challenged by having confusing and unnecessarily complex sexual concepts introduced at a very young and impressional age, the speaker (who is also the cross-dresser who would be ‘performing’ at this story time) introduced the term ‘grooming’ quite willingly, and said it was something he was actively doing.
Why did people object?
Grooming is a term typically used in describing the efforts of an adult to prepare a vulnerable youth to be receptive to future sexual advances. It involves as the reducing of inhibitions, desensitizing the child to awkward and uncomfortable (sexualized) situations and normalizing abnormal sexual behavior so that it seems ok and safe. See the problem?
Now cue up to what he says from about the 2:20 mark and forward.
That video has been removed, here is another:
Besides citing the inappropriateness of introducing children to adult entertainers, some parents have voiced concerns about the pro-gay and transgender ideology behind the story times.
Pontiff then said that the event will be “the grooming of the next generation.”“I’m here to let you know that this event is something that’s going to be very beautiful and for the children and the people that support it are going to realize that this is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation,” Pontiff said.
Source: WesternJournal
Remember, first he’s arguing that he isn’t doing some kind of ‘indoctrination’.
Then he turns around and says he was intentionally grooming young people. Intentionally trying to shape and change their views of men dressing up as women (Which, if you follow the logic of the ‘Minstrel Show’ article, cited above, is arguably derogatory and insulting to genuine women.)
And after that, he points his skinny finger at the ’50 or so’ people who gasped at the concept of their children being ‘groomed’, and proceeded to paint THEM as evil intolerant whackos.
You want to be stupid on your own time, and with other adults? Knock yourself out.
But deliberately bringing our kids into it? That’s a whole other story.
How do you feel about this skinny guy demonizing people who don’t think it’s his job to decide when and where YOUR kids should learn about the complicated sexual realities in the world out there, even if they are still at an age where they are more interested in climbing trees or playing with Barbies?
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