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Covington Kid SUES Washington Post For $250M For Smearing Him As A RACIST

The cost for the Washington Post’s horrible smear on Covington High School junior, Nick Sandmann, is going to be pretty high.

Details of the lawsuit against WaPo has been released and… whoa, Nelly!

The teen from Covington, Kentucky has sued the Washington Post for defamation, claiming the newspaper falsely accused him of racist acts and instigating a confrontation with a Native American activist in a January videotaped incident at the Lincoln Memorial.

The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Kentucky by Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, 16, seeks $250 million in damages, the amount that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos paid for the Post in 2013.

Man, Jeff Bezos can’t seem to get a break in 2019! So far, he’s announced his divorce, it was revealed that he had an affair, claimed that he was being blackmailed by the National Enquirer who had his nude selfies to his side-chick, the deal to build the new Amazon HQ2 in New York collapsed, and now, the jewel in his crown, the Washington Post is being sued for the same amount that he paid for it less than 6 years ago. This is all over a Trump hat.


The lawsuit claims that the newspaper ‘wrongfully targeted and bullied’ the teen to advance its bias against President Donald Trump because Sandmann is a white Catholic who wore a Make America Great Again souvenir cap on a school field trip to the March for Life pro-life rally in Washington, DC on January 18.

(Emphasis added)

They’re calling out WaPo for their reporting which has apparently died in apathy and sloth.

This is gonna be good!

Kristine Coratti Kelly, the Washington Post’s Vice President of Communications said, ‘We are reviewing a copy of the lawsuit and we plan to mount a vigorous defense.

Don’t forget that the reckoning is still coming to over 50 individuals and Media(D) outlets.

In a statement, Sandmann’s Atlanta-based lawyer, Lin Wood, said additional similar lawsuits would be filed against other parties in the weeks ahead.

(Emphasis added)

No kidding!

Maybe these yahoos over in the Media(D) could learn to just report the facts rather than push their own pet narrative.

An investigation launched by the Covington Diocese corroborates the video released by Sandmann’s attorney that indicates the students had done nothing wrong and, that the boys were actually the recipients of hateful insults and taunts by an extremist black group, and that they were not racially insensitive to Nathan Phillips, the native activist banging the drum inches from Sandmann’s face.

A private investigation firm retained by Covington Diocese in Park Hills, Kentucky, found in a report released last week no evidence the teenagers provoked a confrontation.

The students were met at the Lincoln Memorial by offensive statements from members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, the report said.

The investigation also determined that the students did not direct any racist or offensive comments toward Phillips although several performed a ‘tomahawk chop’ to the beat of his drum.

Phillips claimed in a separate video that he heard the students chanting ‘build that wall,’ during the encounter, a reference to Trump’s pledge to build a barrier along the U.S. border with Mexico.

The investigators said they found no evidence of such a chant and that Phillips did not respond to multiple attempts to contact him.

Covington Bishop Roger Foys wrote that the teens were ‘placed in a situation that was at once bizarre and even threatening.‘ He continued, ‘the immediate world-wide reaction to the initial video led almost everyone to believe that our students had initiated the incident and the perception of those few minutes of video became reality.

Many interviewed students told investigators that they felt Phillips was coming into their group to join their own cheers, which were meant to drown out insults from the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Many students reported that they were confused but did not feel threatened by Phillips, the report said.

‘We found no evidence of racist statements to Mr Phillips or members of his group,’ the report said.

‘Some students performed a “tomahawk chop” to the beat of Mr Phillips’ drumming and some joined in Mr Phillips’ chant.’

The investigators also reviewed related videos, including one made the same day in which a young person says: ‘It’s not rape if you enjoy it.’

The investigators say they determined that person was not a Covington Catholic student.
Source: Daily Mail

The Media(D) has smeared the Covington kids and Nick Sandmann in particular. When he applies for college, a job, a mortgage, he will forever be labeled as the ‘smirking teen’ and many people will only know half of the story. The Media(D) doesn’t like to admit that they’re wrong, especially when they’re wrong about the MAGA hat crowd being the bigots that they assume them to be.

This is why those on the left ascribe to the philosophy of AOC, where it’s more important to be ‘morally right’ than ‘factually correct’. The problem is, many leftists, think that they are always ‘morally right’ even if they aren’t. That’s the crux of the lawsuit, actually. The Media(D) is quick to believe that the facts don’t matter as much as the narrative, and that even when the facts change, the narrative is still true.

That’s what leftists in the Media(D), and Hollywood were so quick to believe the rather convenient Jussie Smollett incident, completely ignore the hate and attacks on conservatives by Antifa thugs, and when Kellyanne Conway was assaulted at a restaurant, and they believed that Nick Sandmann was a racist teen who got up in the face of an old native man and smirked. 

These are all examples of the Media(D)’s own bias and bigotry, and how they are the ones creating the narrative.

It needs to stop.

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker