Is It Time For The Tea Party to Rise Again?

Is it Time for the Tea Party to Rise Again?
The Mueller Report exonerated President Trump of claims that he colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. In essence, Nancy Pelosi said screw Mueller’s Report. Her minions will continue seeking to create evidence of Trump/Russia collusion to impeach him.
Fake news media will continue its lies and deceptions to keep their “Trump colluded” lie going. Thirty-four people were indicted or plead guilty in Mueller’s Trump collusion investigation. Fake news media claims this is proof that Trump is guilty of collusion. The truth is the indictments and guilty pleas have nothing to do with Russia collusion. Many were found guilty of process crimes.
My wife Mary asked, “What is a process crime?” One example is investigators repeatedly ask you the same questions on different occasions. If you do not give the exact same answer each time, they can charge you with lying; a process crime. Suddenly, you find yourself in prison for a crime unrelated to the original investigation. Mary said, “Oh my gosh, given my short memory, you would be visiting me in prison.”
For over 2 years, Democrats and fake news media claimed there was solid evidence that Trump and Russia stole the election. Consequently, 40% of Americans absurdly believe Russia tampered with votes to cause Trump to win.
Since Mueller failed to find Trump/Russia collusion, Democrats and fake news media are demanding that Trump be charged with obstruction of justice. Every time the deep state loses a battle to get rid of Trump, their insane rage becomes more out-of-control. Their lawlessness, lies, deceptions and violence becomes more extreme. These people are evil and dangerous.
What gets me is all the deep state scoundrels in the FBI and DOJ who attempted a silent coup to reverse the 2016 presidential election are still arrogantly walking around with their noses in the air and chests poked out. They boldly continue their treasonous plot to take down Trump in plain sight. These traitors should be prosecuted. Sen. Lindsey Graham seeks to investigate alleged FISA abuses.
My fellow concerned Americans, is it time for the Tea Party to reemerge to publicly rally behind our president? We know that our anti-America and anti-Trump enemies within are going to unleash a tsunami of all kinds of unlawful craziness on our country between now and the 2020 election. Fake news media will provide cover for America’s enemies within by calling them peaceful patriots. Fake news media will claim that everything is horrible and Trump must be removed to save America.
A highly visible Tea Party supportive of our president would help to counter the lies. There have been 533,074 articles claiming Trump colluded with Russia, filled will bogus accusations, deceptions and lies.
Because Democrats are protected by fake news media, most Americans do not know the Democratic Party has sunk to new levels of crazy and evil. The Tea Party could sound the alarm about Democrats wanting to murder babies even after they are born. We could let the public know that the Democrats have become the party of rabid antisemitism. Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar boldly expresses her hatred of Israel. Democrat presidential contenders gave Jews their middle finger by refusing to attend AIPAC.
The Tea Party could expose the economy-killing insanity in the Democrats’ Green New Deal. In the next 10 years, Democrats want to end air travel, ban fossil fuels, mandated that every new job be unionized and close nuclear plants. Absurdly, Democrats demand that every building in the US must be rebuilt for state-of-the-art energy efficiency. Democrats also want to fund those who are irresponsible and lazy.
Yes, there was a divide in the Tea Party during the presidential campaign. I campaigned for Ted Cruz. I praise God that Trump won. While doing an amazing job for We the People, Trump has been a one-man wrecking ball demolishing the way our best interests have not been served in Washington DC.
The Tea Party movement was founded upon restoring America to her divinely ordained position as the shining city on a hill. Real Tea Party folks have jumped aboard the Trump Train because they know he is swiftly moving the ball in that direction. Trump has been relentless in keeping his campaign promises. We must keep this strong patriot warrior in the Oval Office.
From the beginning of the Tea Party movement, I toured the country on several Tea Party Express bus tours. I spoke and performed my “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide.
Evil CNN intentionally falsely branded the Tea Party a bunch of redneck racists protesting America’s first black president. As a proud American who happens to be black, I can testify first-hand that the Tea Party had nothing to do with Obama’s skin color. We simply opposed his plan to transform America into a Godless socialist nation.
My late dad was a fan of CNN’s Don Lemon. Dad believed the Tea Party was racist because CNN said it was. I said, “Dad, the Tea Party is not racist.” Jokingly, I said, “They even let me ride upfront on the tour bus.” I added, “I ride in the back lounge because of the huge flat-screen TV. I can watch football to my heart’s content.”
The Tea Party is a grassroots movement made up of salt-of-the-earth hardworking decent Americans who love their country. Period.
My fellow Trump supporters, perhaps it is time for us to create public spectacles across America; Tea Party rallies of positive, upbeat and lawful Americans waving US flags, adorned with “Keep America Great” and “Trump 2020” caps. As I stated, anti-Trump deep state henchmen will behave unhinged between now and the 2020 election. The Tea Party should be their highly visible, righteous and legal opposition.