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Three MAGA-Hat Wearing Brits Drop Truth Bomb On Media’s Claim of Trump ‘Dividing’ People

To hear the Media(D) tell it, these people shouldn’t exist — then again, they also predicted that Hillary had a ‘99% Chance of Winning’ 2016.

These guys just met.

One is a black guy with a British accent, and at least one of the other two is Scottish.

They’re all wearing MAGA hats, and they had to set the news correspondent straight about who is REALLY dividing people, and (more importantly) how.

Nationalism, they explain, isn’t a dirty word either. At least not what THEY mean by it. It brings people of very different backgrounds together by their common interests. Not RACIAL interests, but patriotic ones involving a flag that has — in many cases — been hundreds of years, in the making, usually with heroic stories of those who stood and fought under that flag to energize that patriotic spirit.

Admiral Horatio Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar…

The Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo…

A hard-won victory in not one, but TWO World Wars…

The UK sprang from a culture so rich and stable that THREE of the SEVEN G7 Nations share that heritage.

They SHOULD love their country. Of course they should.

They SHOULD want to defend its institutions — as we do ours.

That’s what patriotism is all about, a positive sense of ‘nationalism’.

‘MAGA-thinking’ (if you were to call it that) doesn’t flow from a desire for other countries to be somehow diminished.

That’s petty Zero-Sum-Game Thinking. And it’s typical of the Left’s endless ideology of envy. It’s for losers.

No. It’s something else entirely. And these foreign-born Trump fans seem to have it figured out.

‘MAGA-thinking’ is about letting other nations chart THEIR own course as they and their citizens best see fit, while America chart ours in the way WE think best for OUR people.

And so far, we’re happy with the course our President has been charting.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck