Rob ‘Meathead’ Reiner Just PROVED Archie Bunker Gave Him The PERFECT Nickname

“Tolerant” leftist, Rob Reiner, just made a bold, sweeping statement about Trump supporters. Take a wild guess what it is…
If you said, “Reiner says that they’re all racist” then, congratulations!
I know, I know, that wasn’t a hard one, was it?
The famed director who has been brainwashed by Hollywood’s myopic leftism has made his Stunning and Brave™ pronouncement amid accolades by his peers and the rabid #Resist crowd. You know, all the folks that want people’s politics to be defined by their skin color and their sexual identity. Just like the Ringo Starr of The “Squad” Forgettable Moesha Rep. Ayanna Pressley(D-MA) said at NetRoots.
Diversity is all fine and dandy for visuals but you can’t have any diversity of thought.
Reiner, oblivious to the irony, is walking lockstep with this blatantly racist view and condemning all Trump supporters as racist.
He tweeted, “The President of the United States is a racist. He’s made it abundantly clear his re-election is based on white nationalism. If you support him, there can be no distinction between you being a racist and a racist enabler. They are the same.”
The President of the United States is a racist. He’s made it abundantly clear his re-election is based on white nationalism. If you support him, there can be no distinction between you being a racist and a racist enabler. They are the same.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 29, 2019
But he didn’t stop there. Oh, no!
He continued saying, “Donald Trump’s mind is infested. With racism, with misogyny, with lies, with bigotry, with hate.”
Donald Trump’s mind is infested. With racism, with misogyny, with lies, with bigotry, with hate.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 28, 2019
Yikes. Projection much?
Somebody seems to be filled with hate — hate for the President, that is.
Every day between now and Election Day in Nov. of 2020, you have only to keep reminding yourself that the President of the United States is a Racist, a Liar, a Sexual Predator and a Criminal. The choice is easy.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 19, 2019
Reiner has been making his über-leftist view clear for years.
And he’s somehow not embarrassed by it. It’s mindblowing.
Check out these other hot takes:
- In 2004, he praised Michael Moore’s anti-George W. Bush conspiracy flick, Fahrenheit 9/11, saying, “I think this is one of the most important films ever made. It has the potential of actually affecting the election, and if it does, it will change the world.”
- In 2006, he criticized ABC’s miniseries Path to 9/11 detailing the failings of the Clinton administration which allowed the terror attack to occur. You can just imagine how angrily he typed this out, “ABC along with everyone who had anything to do with the production should be ashamed of themselves. I think we all can agree that it’s in everybody’s best interests for the Republicans to be searching out the perpetrators who were complicit in the 9/11 attacks, rather than spending time actively trying to set the blame on the previous administration.”
- In 2014, he drew parallels between the Tea Party Movement and Hamas.
His new favorite thing, though, is calling President Trump and Republicans racist.
This President has proudly cloaked himself in the evil of racism. Try as they might, weak minded spineless Republicans can not distance themselves from his stench. He has clearly drawn the battle lines. Embrace bigotry or fight to end it. The war for the soul of our nation is on.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 16, 2019
It is unarguable, Donald Trump is a racist. If you support him you are supporting racism. At this crucial time in the struggle for the soul of our nation, we all must choose. Either embrace his hatred or fight to overcome original sin. Humanity hangs in the balance.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 15, 2019
I know to call someone an ignorant racist is redundant. But with this President you have to add cruel and inhumane. Decent loving people are running out of words to describe this sick sad lying excuse for a human being.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 14, 2019
Lies, Dysfunction, Incompetence, Cruelty, Racism, Misogyny, Corruption, Lawlessness, Ignorance, Stupidity, Obstruction, Abuse, Contempt, Traitor, Sexual Predator. This occupies our White House. Speaker Pelosi, do your duty.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) July 10, 2019
Trump is so overtly racist, isn’t he, Meathead?
He’s soooo racist that he’s been disavowing white nationalists since at least 2001.
Video evidence:
President Trump has disavowed David Duke, white supremacy and the KKK for 17 YEARS!
The mainstream media has been LYING to you all.
— Adrian Norman (@AdrianNormanDC) November 3, 2018
I’m sure that Reiner would just claim that that’s exactly what a real white nationalist would do. Here is an artist’s rendition of him rage-typing his latest HuffPo screed.
Reiner claims that President Trump and Attorney General Barr “control the narrative” regarding the Mueller report.
Sick and tired of Trump and Barr controlling the narrative. Read the Mueller report. Trump colluded with Russia, obstructed Justice, and is doing a massive cover up. CONGRESS DO YOUR JOB!!
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) May 17, 2019
Where the hell has he been? I only recall wall-to-wall negative coverage in the Media(D). Remember the whole “Russian Collusion” thing? Yeah, that was what that was about.
By the way, this one sounds totally sane:
The Fucking Moron strikes again. He thinks Western style Democracy is what’s practiced in LA & SF. And on the busing issue, it’s still a useful way to get kids to school. Outright stupidity should be a high crime or misdemeanor. #ImpeachmentInquiryNow
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) June 29, 2019
Genius here doesn’t understand that the busing issue isn’t about “getting kids to school” but is about making kids travel long distances by bus to integrate schools. It was wildly unpopular and largely ineffective.
Reiner’s entire Twitter feed is one unhinged anti-Trump rant after another. It’s kind of sad, really. You’d think there’d be more in his life than just politics. The next few years are gonna be rough for Rob.
It’s a good thing for Reiner that stupidity isn’t a crime because he’d be in big trouble if it were.
He’s still a Meathead.
Calling Republicans racist is nothing new. This is page 1 of the Democrat playbook.
Every Republican (especially if they run for President) is called racist and any non-white conservative supporter is a “token” of whatever identity group that they belong to.
They did it to George H.W. Bush.
They will do it to whoever runs with an “R” behind their name in 2024.
This is overt, disgusting and vile racism that the left needs to be called out on.
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
But what about 2020? Could a moral person pull a lever for Trump with their integrity intact? Would Jesus himself vote for Trump? We’re glad you asked. There’s a brand new book that covers precisely that question:
“Would Jesus Vote For Trump?” by Doug Giles and Brandon Vallorani.
Would Jesus ever choose someone, with a less than stellar past, to be a leader? Would Jesus be cool with how Trump blasts CNN, The Left, and his feckless ‘compadres’ on The Right? What about Health Care? Would the Great Physician give Trump’s opposition to ObamaCare the ‘two thumbs up?’ Find out in this BEST-SELLER!
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