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WATCH: One Presidential Wannabe DISSES Nat’l Anthem During Democrat Primary Debate

Was this a power play for the far-left vote, or did he just forget?

Either way, it doesn’t exactly look Presidential.

It seems that CNN was trying to mitigate some of the criticisms that some of the Democrat hopefuls are more concerned on illegal immigrants than American citizens.

The Second Round of Democrat debates began with a color guard and the national anthem.

It was an interesting choice since the stage was filled with people that want to curtail the Second Amendment.

But that wasn’t the thing that was noticed.

The thing that stood out like a sore thumb was when Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio didn’t put his hand over his heart as the Star-Spangled Banner was performed.

It didn’t exactly help that Ryan is so tall.  towering over everyone else on the stage — he was difficult to miss.

It was noted in Twitter Moments:

The former Trump administration’s Director of Strategic Communications weighed in:

So did the Press Secretary for George W. Bush:

And right-leaning commentators:

Even some left-leaning commentators:

The question arose as many Democrats have supported the Kaepernick-style protests against the flag and the anthem in recent years.

Ryan said that it was a moment of “absentmindedness” and it was not a form of protest.

“Congressman Ryan wasn’t protesting and didn’t mean to make any statement last night in Detroit, it was a moment of absentmindedness while on a debate stage that won’t happen again,” a Ryan campaign spokesperson said in a statement.

“He was, in fact, singing along with the choir to honor our country. Congressman Ryan loves our country and will continue to honor the flag during the anthem in future events, as he has in countless events in the past,” the statement adds.

Source: The Hill

He said as much to ABC News after the debate.

The Washington Examiner which posted the video on Twitter also noted that Marianne Williamson didn’t have her hand on her heart at the start of the anthem either, but put it there about halfway through.

It’s interesting to note that nutty, New Ager Marianne Williamson wasn’t called out for her failure to show respect for the anthem, but one of the more moderate candidates was lambasted for it.

We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker