LINN: 15 Questions I Have For Society

Here is a list of questions I have for society:
- Exit Interviews: Are they really necessary, other than to obtain feedback from the individual who is leaving the workplace, school, etc.? What happens if the person who is leaving refuses to be interviewed? Are they subject to a certain type of punishment? What happens if the person being interviewed is unable to come up with any answers?
- Homeowners Associations: Are they really necessary, because it’s bad enough people living in suburbs have to deal with city ordinances, zoning laws, etc.? The last thing they need is some non-governmental organization telling them what they can and cannot do on their own property. I think it is ridiculous if someone is unable to mow their lawn for a week and one of their neighbors is an uproar over it? Also, who wants to pay membership dues, let alone be a member of a homeowners association?
- Graduations: What happens if someone does not attend graduation, a.k.a. commencement? Does that mean they won’t graduate?
- Promotions and Raises: Has anyone ever been fired for turning down a promotion and/or a raise?
- Mandatory retirement age: What happens if someone who reaches the mandatory retirement age refuses to retire?
- High school senior wills: Are they really necessary, and what happens if someone doesn’t write theirs?
- Exit exams: Why require them when students are already burdened with final exams, especially at the college level?
- All-Star Games: What is the point of them, and are any players or coaches selected for them have the right to opt-out?
- How do clergyman (priests, ministers, etc.) deal with disgruntled worshippers in their churches? Do they try to resolve the matter, or just tell the worshipper to go to some other church?
- How much of a sin is it to reject a present?
- Why hasn’t a cure been found for food allergies and diabetes?
- Has a guy ever rejected a girl asking him to the Sadie Hawkins dance (or rejecting her in general) because he is a misogynist?
- How common is jaywalking these days, at least from the point of law enforcement? Is there any point in enforcing it anymore?
- What happens in church if people are not singing (e.g. because they do not like the song being sung)? Are they subject to being punished?
- Are there really hidden cameras in some televisions?
Feel free to add questions to this list.