SPYGATE: Judicial Watch Founder ‘No Doubt The Obama White House Was Running The Show’

With all the attention focussed on Mueller’s visit to Congress — and the carnival ride of gaslighting stories that followed since — we nearly missed this interview.
The word ‘watchdog’ gets bounced around like the skinny kid in a mosh pit, but Judicial Watch is one group actually worthy of the title.
They are launching FOIA requests and lawsuits that actually hold the government accountable and turn up information that even Congress isn’t always able to get their hands on.
In an interview shortly before Mueller’s spectacular fizzling in front of Congress, he was asked some pointed questions about who did what with respect to SPYGATE.
He makes it really clear that the evidence tells him the breadcrumbs lead all the way to ‘no smidgen of corruption’ himself, Barack Obama. If you don’t have time for the full 7 minutes, the key quotes start just before the five-minute mark.
“There’s no doubt the Obama White House was running the whole show.” And he explains why.
He talks about a key meeting with Obama, Biden and Brennan.
He answers ‘what three questions would you like to see Obama answer?’
He goes into State Department and Foreign involvement.
He explains why this should be rightly seen as a ‘coup’ against Trump.
He talks about Stefan Halper, and why his role is important.
For those of you lagging behind on the details, it’s a quick-and-dirty recap of some of the big-picture ideas.
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