STABLE GENIUS: El Rushbo Thinks Trump Just Beat Acosta At His Own Game

You know those press ‘sprays’ Trump keeps doing on the WH lawn? Rush Limbaugh says its an example of Trump winning … yet again!
Ask yourself a question — how long has it been since you saw one of those annoying Jim Acosta exercises in grandstanding?
They were almost a daily event at one point there, right? But they’ve pretty much dried up.
In fact, most of us have all but forgotten about that sad little glory hound, haven’t we?
How is that even possible when the President is talking to the press almost every single day, sometimes for 90 minutes at a shot?
El Rushbo has it pretty much figured out:
But you know one of the things I noticed? You know, there’s no White House press briefing anymore. They don’t do ’em. They don’t get together in the pressroom at 1 o’clock every day with the media asking questions. Guess what we don’t see now? We never see the media on TV. We never see them. Trump has totally taken away their star turns.
He comes out of the White House on the way to the helicopter, he takes questions on the way, but the camera is always on him. We never see the Drive-Bys. All we do is hear them. And I’m telling you, they sound like a bunch of spoiled-rotten, impolite kids, all of them shouting their inane questions at the same time. But you never see their faces. Trump has taken away their face time in context of White House press briefings.
Now, throw this picture up, Brian. We put a picture here in the switcher. For those of you watching on the Dittocam, this is what I’m talking about.
This is what it looks like now. Trump leaves the White House on the way to the jet. That’s the Drive-By Media, the press gaggle, shouting their questions. You’ll hear it in a minute. “Mr. President! Mr. President!” They’re shouting like a bunch of little spoiled rotten kids. But none of them are on TV anymore. He has taken that away from. This is a still-shot photo. This is not a video still shot. The only shot that was made available on TV today of this press availability was straight on the president from behind that gaggle of Drive-Bys.
We’ll post this at shortly so you’ll be able to see it there. Not all of you are watching on the Dittocam. But this is not happenstance. It’s not accidental. This has been done purposely, you know, they had these people like Jim Acosta and April Ryan and the rest of these egomaniacs showing off in the pressroom simply trying to make names for themselves.
Who could ask the rudest question? Who could express the greatest amount of disgust for Sarah Sanders and Trump? So they simply took it away from ’em, and this is what the press gets now. And they are not on TV. And, believe me, particularly for the television Drive-Bys, being on TV is everything. Face time is everything, and the Trumpster is artfully denying them that which they love.
Source: Rush Limbaugh
For all their mockery, Trump beat them at their own game. He took the driver’s seat and deprived their antics of any oxygen.
Here are some of Acosta’s more pathetic moments:
- Hey Jim Acosta: Care To Talk About The REAL Violence American Journalists Are Facing?
- CNN’s Jim Acosta’s Instagram Account Looks Like A Teenage Chick’s Pics
- Will The #MeToo Chicks Condemn Acosta Slapping Down A Young Woman?
- BOOM: Trump Sets New Rules For Pressers After Acosta Pathetic Hissy Fit
- LMAO: Juanita Tweeted Acosta Into The Middle Of Next Week … Does He Need A Tissue?
- Kellyanne Conway Feeds CNN’s Glory Boy, Jim Acosta, To The Wood Chipper
- LMAO: ‘Then and Now’ Caravan Video Has Acosta Eating His Words
- Trump DESTROYS CNN’s Jim Acosta In Osaka – The Crowd’s Reaction Is GOLD
- VIDEO: Acosta Says Dems Aren’t Anti-Semitic – Sarah Sanders Takes Him To TRUTH CITY