WATCH: 2020 Democrat Hopeful Julián Castro Releases CRINGEWORTHY Ad Calling Trump Racist

Obama’s Housing and Urban Development Secretary is using the El Paso shooting to try to boost his campaign out of the single-digits by blaming President Trump for the massacre.
Julián Castro has decided that his campaign is going to rely on mudslinging at the President and doxxing Trump donors instead of putting forward policy.
Frankly, considering Castro’s policies include wanting to decriminalize illegal border crossing, overhaul policing by changing rules regarding “use of force”, and “reproductive justice” which apparently includes offering government-funded abortions to transgender women — that is, biological men.
The more he talks, the more it seems that Castro is a leftwing nutjob.
So… par for the course, these days, right?
He’s decided to ratchet the crazy up to 11 with his new advertisement. He clearly lays the blame for the El Paso shooting on Trump’s rhetoric and angrily denounces racists. It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t based on a false narrative and appeared to be completely disingenuous.
There’s no better way to heal those political divides than by calling half of the country and the sitting President racist, right?
From the ad:
President Trump, you referred to countries as ‘s**tholes.’ You urged American congresswomen to go back to where they came from. You called immigrants rapists. As we saw in El Paso, Americans were killed because you stoked the fire of racists. Innocent people were shot down because they look different from you, because they look like me. They look like my family. Words have consequences. Ya basta!
“Ya basta” is slang for “enough” in Spanish.
This morning I placed an ad on Fox & Friends in Bedminster, NJ to send a message to @realDonaldTrump on his vacation: words have consequences, and we’ve had enough.
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) August 14, 2019
It’s clear that Castro is getting desperate to make the next debate, which he is in danger of missing due to new DNC rules which have tied qualifying to fundraising and polling numbers.
The new ad is meant to troll President Trump who is currently vacationing at Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey. It aired on Fox & Friends in Bedminster yesterday morning. The Texas Tribune reports that the one-day 30-second advertisement has cost the Castro campaign $2,775.
Castro has been calling President Trump racist for some time, so it’s not surprise that he’d say it in an ad.
In an interview Friday with former Clinton HUD Secretary Julian Castro, Bruce asked: “We’ve seen some of your competitors saying the president, point blank, is a white supremacist. Do you agree with that? Castro replied: “I agree that he’s stoked that kind of division. I agree that he’s a racist. From everything I can tell, he seems to believe that white people are somehow above other people. Unfortunately, he believes that.”
Source: ABC News Go
This new ad comes shortly after Julián’s brother, Rep. Joaquin Castro(D-TX) published the names and employers of individuals in his district that gave the maximum donation to the Trump campaign. Since then, some individuals on the list have been harassed.
Secretary Castro has refused to denounce the move by his brother and denies that it is doxxing at all. He stood by the move and refused to answer questions about some of the donors that also donated to the Castros.
Absolutely pathetic.
Julián Castro refuses to condemn brother’s tweet targeting Trump donors.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 9, 2019
Ironically, one of the businesses named in the tweet, Bill Miller Bar-B-Q has said that business is booming since it was named by Castro as donating to Trump.
It’s pretty disgusting that Julián Castro thinks it’s ok to stand on the graves of the victims of such a horrible tragedy and point fingers directly at the President. The shooter himself stated in his manifesto that his views predated Trump’s election.
Polling at 1% on average nationally against so many lackluster candidates must be one helluva blow to the ego. No wonder he’s desperate.