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WATCH: Al Sharpton Gets HECKLED In Baltimore By Angry Residents

Al Sharpton headed to Baltimore recently to bring his race-hustle schtick to attack President Trump. It didn’t go exactly as planned…

Baltimore has been making the news lately, so a YouTube citizen journalist decided to talk to some residents and get the real story.

Austen Fletcher, also known as “Fleccas” of the YouTube channel, Fleccas Talks, released a 10-minute video which busts the Media(D) narrative that Baltimore is a fantastic place and President Trump is attacking it because he’s so very obviously racist.

It turns out… not so much.

ClashDaily has covered the “Trump is racist” claims many, many times:

But what of the conditions in Baltimore? Well, it turns out that it’s not so great there. The garbage, the crime, the unlivable conditions — several residents said that all of that was true.

We saw this when 170 MAGA folks came in to get their hands dirty and clean up West Baltimore and actually do something to help those residents.

Al Sharpton swooped in (as is his way) and decided to stand up for Baltimore against the big, mean Bad Orange Man in the White House. Sharpton was there to push his race-hustling agenda as opposed to Scott Presler who was there to remove 12 tons of trash and organize regular clean-up of the streets by locals.

A couple of residents weren’t having Sharpton’s nonsense, though. They heckled him.

One man yelled, “You go back to New York! You bring that sh-t to New York! You ain’t do nothing for Baltimore! You a phony!”

After Sharpton made his pronouncements, another man shouted, “Our schools are failing us! Where are you when our schools are failing us? You’re just a hustler.”

That second man was told, “Go back to where you came from” by someone near Sharpton, and our Media(D) betters have told us that that statement is clearly racist. The man responds, “I live here, and I was born here, sir.”


Watch the whole Fleccas Talks video here:

Here is some of the reaction on Twitter:

Check out these related ClashDaily Articles on Al Sharpton, Race Hustler:

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker