Is Sheila Jackson Lee Officially The ‘Dumbest Member Of Congress’ For Saying THIS About AR-15s? (Video)

At the intersection of arrogance and ignorance stands… Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.
How in the world does she keep getting re-elected?
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee(D-TX) has been a member of Congress since 1995. This is her 13th term in the House.
How is this possible?
She’s atrocious.
She thinks the Constitution is 400 years old.
She’ll take your seat on an airplane.
She doesn’t even respect the people that she meets with. At a townhall event, she was talking on the phone while a cancer survivor was trying to ask her a question.
Remember her rambling, lengthy “question” she was asking Corey Lewandowski? It was showboating and grandstanding not actually asking a question.
After 5 minutes of ranting, Sheila Jackson Lee, finally finishes and Cory Lewandowski slams her:
"It was just a rant."
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 17, 2019
Now, she’s got some really stiff competition for the title of “Dumbest Member of Congress” — The Squad, Hank “Guam Might Capsize” Johnson, Maxine “Impeach 45!” Waters, and of course, the Presidential candidate that wasn’t — Rep. Eric Swalwell.
Even the idiocy of all of them combined might not top this brief clip where Rep. Jackson Lee reveals her absolute ignorance on guns to the world.
In a single clip, she gets everything completely wrong.
She said that AR-15s are incredibly heavy and that they require .50 cal rounds.
Is she nuts?!
Is she deliberately lying about guns or is she actually this dumb?
Is she deliberately lying about guns or is she actually this dumb?
How can someone so ignorant about guns be making laws about guns?