SPYGATE: Nunes Files $10M Suit After Clinton And DNC Bank Records Connect Them To Fusion GPS

The people who smeared Nunes over his investigation into Spygate are now facing a $9.9Million lawsuit.
Nunes’ dogged digging into the Spygate scandal slapped a target on his back and earned him some enemies with deep pockets.
It seems his enemies happened to be the very people he was investigating for wrongdoing in the Spygate saga. He was routinely and roundly smeared not just by a media who was more than happy to circle their wagons and vigorously defend the (now-debunked) Russian Collusion narrative, but they were just as eager to lob various bombs, smears, and innuendo at Nunes.
(These were the same goofy media people, we remind our readers, who took Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff as a super-serious Messenger of Truth.)
“I was often smeared,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) told Fox News. “And now, what we know is, there’s a link between those who were doing the smearing and Fusion GPS.”
“When we were investigating Fusion GPS, they were actively involved in working to smear me to obstruct justice, to derail our investigation — and so, I’m gonna hold these guys accountable, and this is just one of many steps we’re gonna continue to take,” continued Nunes.
Source: SaraACarter
What’s that? Did he say ‘obstructing justice’? The virtuous media LOVES obstruction of justice stories. They must be itching to run with this story, right? Oh… what’s that? Does it implicate Democrats? Nevermind, then, it’s not news.
Rep. Devin Nunes filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against opposition research firm Fusion GPS and the Campaign for Accountability, accusing the two of smearing him over his investigation into Fusion GPS’s and the Steele dossier.
The complaint, which the California Republican filed in federal court in Virginia, alleges that Fusion GPS and Campaign for Accountability (CfA) worked on a “joint and systematic effort to intimidate, harass, threaten, influence, interfere with, impede, and ultimately to derail” Nunes’ investigation of the dossier, which he directed as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI).
In the lawsuit, Nunes draws a link between CfA payments to Fusion GPS and a string of ethics complaints that the watchdog group filed against him last year.
The Daily Caller News Foundation reported Aug. 1 that CfA’s 2018 tax filings show the group paid Fusion GPS nearly $140,000 unspecified research activities.
Source: DailyCaller
We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.
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