WATCH: Millennial ‘Solution’ To California’s Housing Crisis Is Inspired By… COMMUNISM

You’re supposed to PAY for this?!
It isn’t cheap, either.
CNN Business reports that for the low, low price of just $1,200 a month and privacy, you too can rent a bed, locker, and television in the thriving metropolis of San Francisco.
Elvina Beck, CEO of PodShare says that the “inspiration” for the open-concept community housing model was… Communism.
She was born in the USSR in 1985 and created a housing system that was an opt-in to the communist-style housing options where “all your needs were met.” Podshare would include some things that those young, hip folks need to live — Ramen, cereal, toilet paper, and toothpaste — all provided for you!
The big question is if avocados are also provided. Aren’t those considered essentials of life along with free WiFi?
No word on whether you have to line up for food.
I guess it beats your parents’ basement. Besides, then you won’t be nagged for joining the ‘rents for family dinner or lectured for how much time you spend on your phone.
Beck says that the concept was for people like her — single, no pets, no kids. Sure, there’s the small price of privacy, but you get to live right in the heart of a rat-infested urban center suffering from a “defecation crisis” without having to pay a security deposit.
There seems to be no upside so far, right?
PodShare has multiple locations, so when you book a Pod, you can stay anywhere within the network. Like Los Angeles.
It’s a freaking timeshare for bunk beds.
This is an introvert’s hell.
PodShare is a co-living space where tenants pay $1,200 a month to rent a "pod," or bunk bed, in one of its San Francisco or Los Angeles locations
— CNN Business (@CNNBusiness) July 4, 2019
It was mocked on Twitter. Including quite severely by Ian Miles Cheong, Managing Editor of Human Events.
This is Podshare. It costs $900 a month. You pay almost a grand to live in a place that looks like another place from the 20th century that’s been consigned to history as one of the worst places for anyone to ever live and die in.
“Community based living.” Great new euphemism.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 10, 2019
Every single one of these people has an uptalk—in that they end their sentences sounding like a question, as if they’re unsure and insecure of their statement. Don’t talk like that. You sound like an idiot.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 11, 2019
Gulag or Concentration camp…
…or Opium den?
Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, opium dens.
— dbetzel (@dbetzel) September 10, 2019
This is the future of housing. You’ll be living in one of these when everything else becomes too expensive while you dine on processed “cockroach milk” and stem cell-based human flesh grown in vats.
Welcome to your cyberpunk dystopia.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 10, 2019
We may have just figured out why Millenials aren't having sex…
— Wes Walker (@Republicanuck) September 11, 2019
This is actually literally the future communists want.
— 🤖🦉CyberOwl 🦉🤖 (@Supreme_Owl_FTW) September 11, 2019