HEY DEMS: That Durham Investigation Is Now A CRIMINAL Investigation

How long until Democrats run a full-scale effort to discredit Durham and protect those good and wise public officials like Comey and Brennan?
Forget that they once wanted Comey’s head on a pike themselves.
And forget everything they ever said about how immoral it was to criticize a law enforcement investigation during the Mueller Report days. This is war.
If the Durham investigation into how the surveilling on a Presidential campaign goes the way it LOOKS like it will, some officials in VERY high places should be sweating bullets right about now.
Reports are that certain CIA officials have already started lawyering up.
U.S. Attorney John Durham’s ongoing probe into potential FBI and Justice Department misconduct in the run-up to the 2016 election through the spring of 2017 has transitioned into a full-fledged criminal investigation, two sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News on Thursday night.
One source added that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s upcoming report on alleged FBI surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign will shed light on why Durham’s probe has become a criminal inquiry. Horowitz announced on Thursday his report would be available to the public soon, with “few” redactions.
The investigation’s new status means Durham can subpoena witnesses, file charges, and impanel fact-finding grand juries.
Fox News reported on Tuesday that Durham’s probe had expanded significantly based on new evidence uncovered during a recent trip to Rome with Attorney General Bill Barr.
Source: FoxNews
How seriously are they taking this investigation? Here’s a juicy tidbit tucked away in that story:
Barr reportedly told embassy officials in Italy that he “needed a conference room to meet high-level Italian security agents where he could be sure no one was listening in.”
Source: FoxNews
This would fit in quite nicely with the Spygate theory that there have been back channel cooperation between Obama admin appointees and foreign spy officials, would it not?
This could also dovetail with the soon-to-wrap-up FISA reports and what we know about four people who signed off on them despite the information they were using for it being … let’s call it ‘compromised’.
With all the backbiting and fingerpointing sure to follow this shift to a criminal prosecution, the office here will have to start buying popcorn in bulk.
We’ve sure waited long enough to get here, we might as well enjoy it!
The next question is… how far up will the breadcrumbs take us?
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