SHOCKER: Media(D) Call Out Beto For His Gun-Grabbing Proposal (VIDEO)

Poor Robert! His flailing campaign has become sad and pathetic and now, even the Media(D) are turning on him.
The former Media(D) darling is being asked actual questions about his (rather desperate) gun confiscation plan. Beto has insisted that Americans will readily hand over their AR-15s if the so-called “gun buyback” he proposes becomes law.
Clearly, he has not met some staunch Second Amendment peeps — which is weird because he’s from Texas and spent quite a bit of time standing on countertops while he was supposedly meeting with everyday Americans. Those were the Americans that agreed with him, apparently.
Beto has been asked repeatedly what the consequence would be if someone failed to hand over their firearm and disregarded the law. He avoided the question and simply reiterated that he had faith that Americans would obey the law.
Recently, two morning shows on two different major networks pressed him on it and forced his hand to actually admit that law enforcement would visit and “recover” the firearm in question.
Joe Scarborough asked Beto what would happen in the hypothetical situation where a law-abiding citizen who legally purchased an AR-15 and doesn’t want to hand it over as Beto’s law would require. Beto first says that he thinks that people will follow the law even if it’s a law that they disagree with. Joe pushes back and asks what would be the next step for the federal government to deal with people who refuse to hand over their guns because they see the law as unjust and unconstitutional. Beto admits that there would need to be enforced and said that the gun would be confiscated by law enforcement and “bought back.”
.@BetoORourke on his gun confiscation plan: “Has to be consequences” for noncompliance; "in that case I think there would be a visit by law enforcement to recover that firearm"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 16, 2019
Beto was then on CNN’s New Day with Alisyn Camerota and she pushed back on his claim that all Americans would follow his gun confiscation law.
Camerota again, “How do you plan on getting assault weapons away from people who don’t want to give them up?” He responded, “As with any law in this country, we would expect our fellow Americans to follow the law. We’re a nation of laws, and no person is above the law. No matter how much they may disagree with a given law … This is the right thing to do. And I fully expect my fellow Americans to follow the law.”
She then asked, “You expect mass shooters to follow the law?” After an awkward pause, Beto replied that he did think that Americans would follow the law. She didn’t let it go instead saying, “By definition, mass shooters do not follow the law.” Robert Francis then claims that there were gun control laws that could have stopped mass shootings. (Fact check: False. Remember the Sutherland Springs shooter? There were laws on the books that should have prevented him from getting a firearm, but the laws were disregarded or easily bypassed.)
Beto looks incredibly uncomfortable as Camerota continues to press him about criminals not following laws. He just can’t seem to grasp the idea that someone, who might be considering committing mass murder — which, last time I checked, is an illegal act — might not be so keen on obeying a law that would take away his gun.
Oh, my goodness! This dude is an absolute clown!