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STAY CLASSY: Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, Calls Senator Lindsey Graham A ‘Piece Of S**t’

Gee, what would such a partisan hack want with a role on the board of Netflix, I wonder?

We’ve always known Susan Rice was a proverbial ‘piece of work’, haven’t we? But if she’s flinging stones at Republicans like this, she’s clearly forgotten just how glassy the house she lives in really is.

Does she really think we’ve all forgotten what a snake she really is? Apparently.

She was on a Lefty podcast with Ben ‘Media Echo Chamber‘ Rhodes, who helped sell Obama’s Iran deal to the press, discussing recent US foreign policy.

Since Democrats (as we all know) always take the high road, they spoke only in the most scholarly and civil terms about the issues of the day.

They wouldn’t SERIOUSLY try to gaslight us again on Benghazi, would they?

Of course they would!

“You have to understand Benghazi to understand [President] Trump,” said Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser during the Obama administration who is a host of the podcast.

“Right, because Lindsey Graham isn’t just a piece of shit now,” Vietor said before Rice interrupted.

“He’s been a piece of shit,” she said. “He’s a piece of shit.”
Source: TheHill

Because they think we’ve all got the memories of a goldfish, and that the press will let them get away with it (again).

Remember when she took that Sunday Show tour after Benghazi assuring us that the bogus story she KNEW they were telling us about what really killed those four Americans was the God’s Honest Truth? We do.

Remember when she was responsible for the ‘unmasking’ of US persons?

Woodruff: We’ve been following a disclosure by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, that in essence, during the final days of the Obama administration, during the transition, after President Trump had been elected, that he and the people around him may have been caught up in surveillance of foreign individuals in that their identities may have been disclosed. Do you know anything about this?

Rice: I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.
Source: The Federalist

Fact check: false. She absolutely knew. And did she do it for any good reason?

Understand: There would have been no intelligence need for Susan Rice to ask for identities to be unmasked. If there had been a real need to reveal the identities — an intelligence need based on American interests — the unmasking would have been done by the investigating agencies. The national-security adviser is not an investigator. She is a White House staffer. The president’s staff is a consumer of intelligence, not a generator or collector of it. If Susan Rice was unmasking Americans, it was not to fulfill an intelligence need based on American interests; it was to fulfill a political desire based on Democratic-party interests. — RealClearPolitics

Susan Rice, who has about as much personality as a brick of tofu has decided to go after Senator Lindsey Graham.

Clearly not everyone has forgotten:

We’ve all seen the dishonest games the left have played with the power they’re entrusted with, they’re obviously unworthy of that trust.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck