Biden Vs. Sanders: The Boring Debate With AWFUL Candidates (VIDEO)
On Sunday night was perhaps the last Democratic Debate and it was down to just two candidates — Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.
This could be it for Bernie’s presidential aspirations and he’s got to hit a home run if there’s any chance for him to win in the next few weeks.
The Debate was held with no audience due to the Coronavirus which was the dominant topic of the debate.
There are 577 delegates up for grabs on Tuesday as residents of Arizona, Florida, Ilinois, and Ohio get to vote.
Former Vice President, Joe Biden, currently has a comfortable lead over Senator Bernie Sanders(I-VT) and, at this point, it would take a miracle for Bernie to win.
Yet, Bernie is refusing to drop out of the race and is hanging on hoping for a brokered convention, or for Joe to be Joe and slip up.
At the start of the debate, candidates laid out how they would handle the national crisis due to the spread of the virus that originated in Wuhan.
Note that throughout the debate, even though COVID-19 was one of the major issues, both Biden and Bernie named the wrong virus. it wasn’t just a matter of saying “Wuhan Virus” or the more common “Coronavirus” they were both way off and said that the health issue of the day was a threat that was from several years ago.
At tonight's #DemDebate, the candidates have confused the novel coronavirus with:
– Ebola
– Swine FluAnd they expect us to trust them with federally run health care? Insane.
— Abigail Jackson 🇺🇸 (@abigailmarone) March 16, 2020
Biden confuses the Coronavirus crisis to the SARS crisis:
Joe Biden is now confusing the coronavirus with SARS. #DemDebate
— Francis Brennan (@FrancisBrennan) March 16, 2020
Bernie calls the Wuhan Coronavirus the “Ebola Crisis”:
WATCH: After Joe Biden short circuits, Bernie Sanders confuses the coronavirus with Ebola.#DemDebate
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 16, 2020
And Biden is just confused:
In the span of 10 seconds, Joe Biden:
– Mixes up the #coronavirus with the swine flu
– Mistakenly calls the H1N1 virus (swine flu) the "N1H1"
– Forgets the name of the Ebola virus, calling it "what happened in Africa"#DemDebate
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) March 16, 2020
When it got to the impact of Coronavirus on the Economy, they both laid out their crazy, crazy plans. Joe started off talking about the “God-awful tax cut” and the need for bail-outs. Bernie, of course, used the time to talk about the need for Medicare-For-All.
CNN’s Jake Tapper brought up Bernie’s desire for a “revolution” and Biden came out of the gate pretty strong. Bernie railed against the “billionaires” that allegedly “control the legislative agenda.”
At one point, Bernie mentioned Super PACs and Biden accused Bernie of having 9 Super PACs supporting him, but didn’t name them.
Does Bernie have 9 Super PACs?
Who’s lying?
— ALX 🎃 (@alx) March 16, 2020
The next segment was about issues that women face.
Pandering Joe commits to appointing a black woman to the Supreme Court and his running mate will be a woman.
NEW: Joe Biden says if elected he will choose a woman to be vice president
— Axios (@axios) March 16, 2020
In 2020, the idea that illegal aliens drive down wages and take jobs away from Americans is a “Republican canard” but in 2007, it was something that Joe believed.
Biden: "The canard that they're taking jobs, these immigrants are taking jobs from Americans. Which is one of the Republican canards."
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) March 16, 2020
Then we were on to the “climate crisis”:
Joe made it pretty clear that he’s against any new fracking.
"No new fracking…not another new coal plant will be built." – Joe Biden #DemDebate
— Francis Brennan (@FrancisBrennan) March 16, 2020
The last segment was all about their weaknesses, which is a bit of a head-scratcher — wasn’t that on display in the previous 5 segments?
When asked to discuss his praise for Cuba, Bernie also praised China.
Yes, you just asked me to denounce this horrible socialist regime, so let me go ahead and praise communist China
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) March 16, 2020
But hey, so did Joe, so…
Biden just last year on China: "They're not bad folks"
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) March 16, 2020
These are the final two that they think can beat Trump?
Good luck with that, Dems.