Parents Are Told A School Employee Came Into Contact With COVID-19 — The Reaction Is Wild! (VIDEO)
How do you know the panic is getting just a little bit out of hand? Well, here’s a clue.
Parental concern for kids and defending your home from threats up to and including health hazards are a natural instinct for parents.
With all the unknowns surrounding the Wuhan Flu panic, we understand why people might want to err on the side of caution.
But there is a significant difference between simple ‘caution’ and outright ‘hysteria’.
You be the judge of which one we’re seeing in this clip:
There’s a lot to unpack here, but somebody’s parent put trash bags on their kid to shield him from the virus . Wait for it…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) March 10, 2020
Clearly they haven’t gotten the ‘don’t panic’ memo yet.
But not because it isn’t out there:
Famous Doctor Blasts The Coronavirus Hysteria – And We Mean Blasts!
‘The Panic Must Stop’: Dr. Drew Drops Some Truth On Coronavirus (VIDEO)
Funny how their modern ‘solutions’ to these problems aren’t even as helpful as this ancient advice from the Bronze-Age:
Ancient Biblical Wisdom Vs. The Latest Chinese Disease Scare