Remember The Woman Who Gave Her Husband Fish Tank Cleaner To Prevent COVID And He Died? Police Are Now Investigating

The Media(D) and the woman quickly blamed Trump for the man’s death. But new information is raising questions about what exactly happened.
Back in mid-March, President Trump was touting the coronavirus treatment that was being tried with some success in France–the use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, inexpensive medications that are used for malaria, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. The President indicated that he was hopeful that a viable treatment for coronavirus was much closer than the 18-months or so to develop a new drug.
Wanda Lenius, a 61-year old woman from Arizona, claimed that she saw the President’s presser and when she saw some fish tank cleaner–chloroquine phosphate–in her cupboard she thought, “hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re talking about on tv?” She then mixed a teaspoon into her husband’s soda and some into her own. Sady, her husband Gary, 68, died from consuming the poisonous substance. Wanda was hospitalized but did manage to tell several news outlets what had happened and followed up with “Oh my God, don’t take anything. Don’t believe anything that the president says and his people … call your doctor.”
Recently, some new information makes Wanda Lenius’s story about consuming fish tank cleaner as “basically a cure” for coronavirus into question. Gary Lenius was a mechanical engineer who his friends say wouldn’t have just consumed a lethal amount of fish tank cleaner (enough to figure out how to euthanize a fish pet) because of something that someone said on tv.
“What bothers me about this is that Gary was a very intelligent man, a retired [mechanical] engineer who designed systems for John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa, and I really can’t see the scenario where Gary would say, ‘Yes, please, I would love to drink some of that Koi fish tank cleaner,'” one of his close friends told the Free Beacon. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”
You’d think that an educated guy like Gary would be skeptical of self-medicating with something that said that it was lethal if consumed by humans as it says on the label. Besides, chloroquine phosphate isn’t medical-grade chloroquine used for the prescription anti-malarial drugs.
In addition, people close to Gary say that Lenius’s marriage was a troubled one. Early in their marriage, Wanda was been charged with domestic assault but was found not guilty because Gary refused to cooperate in the case. Friends describe Gary as level-headed and devoted to Wanda, but Wanda had a temper and was berating Gary and frequently humiliating him in public. They described the marriage as one-sided.
It was also revealed that Wanda was a registered Democrat whose most recent contribution was to a “pro-science” super PAC.
In short, Wanda Lenius didn’t seem to be the kind of person who would blindly follow what she perceived as advice from President Trump.
Detective Teresa Van Galder, the homicide detective handling the case for the Mesa City Police Department, confirmed that the investigation is ongoing but declined to provide additional details.
“As this is an active investigation, I cannot go into any details at this time regarding the case,” Van Galder said. The Free Beacon provided a recording of its interview last month with Wanda Lenius.
A friend of Gary’s said that Wanda routinely prepared Gary a “vitamin cocktail.”
Asked if she and Gary Lenius had a conversation about taking the chloroquine at that time, she told the Free Beacon: “No. I mean, it was really kind of a spur of the moment thing,” adding that the couple ingested “one teaspoon and some soda” each, at least four times the lethal limit.
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Wanda said that they decided to take the fish tank cleaner because Gary been planning on scheduling an appointment with a doctor to have a leg injury examined, but they were concerned that they might contract COVID at the clinic and they were in the high-risk category. Wanda says that the only thing that her husband asked about the chloroquine phosphate was to ask “is it still good?”
Mesa police seem to find Wanda Lenius’s story somewhat…fishy and homicide detectives are investigating it.
What happens if turns out that this woman really did intentionally kill her husband and try to pin the blame on something that Trump had said during a coronavirus briefing? Not only would it be an absolute tragedy, but the Media(D) that were spreading this story to “own” the President and lecture them on his language would be caught yet again not examining a story thoroughly enough because it fit their narrative.
Whatever the outcome, a man has needlessly died and that is an absolute tragedy.
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