Man Arrested For Shooting Protester In New Mexico–Here’s What The Media(D) ISN’T Reporting

The Media(D) are portraying each incident where a “protester” is injured as though it’s a terrible injustice. Yeah, that’s not always the case.
We are entering a new era where the “correct” politics is the chief determiner of guilt or innocence, rather than blind justice, and that should terrify all of us.
On Monday, a statue in Albuquerque, New Mexico of Juan de Oñate, a Conquistador, was targeted by activists for removal. Instead of having a discussion about it, lobbying the government, or gathering names on a petition, they decided to just yank the thing down.
A group that has dubbed themselves the New Mexico Civil Guards has been present at protests in the area in order to “defend citizens and their private property.”
In a June 3 profile piece in The Eastern New Mexico News, one of the Albuquerque leaders of NM Civil Guard said that many members of the state-wide group are retired military and/or law enforcement personnel that are “highly trained.”
He also made it clear the NM Civil Guard is not associated with antifa, the anti-fascist protesters President Trump has blamed for inciting violence at vigils and rallies across the nation following Floyd’s death in police custody late last month.
“We are not antifa … They are actively targeting our members because we don’t agree with the violence and thuggish tactics they are using,” Provance said. “We’re not for any organization that uses violence to silence anybody with dissenting opinions.”
Source: The Eastern New Mexico News
We know that the armed group was there, but it’s still uncertain if the man who fired the shots was a member of the group.
According to a witness, the Albuquerque Police were not on the scene despite being called by several people 30 minutes before the shooting occurred.
This scene remains active and under investigation. We will provide updates when they are available.
— Albuquerque Police Department (@ABQPOLICE) June 16, 2020
Update – APD investigating shooting at protest
— Albuquerque Police Department (@ABQPOLICE) June 16, 2020
The incident at Tiguex Park has ended peacefully and APD’s Emergency Response Teams are leaving the Old Town area. The FBI is currently assisting APD violent crime investigators as they interview individuals who were involved in the shooting.
— Albuquerque Police Department (@ABQPOLICE) June 16, 2020
Message from APD Chief Michael Geier: “We are receiving reports about vigilante groups possibly instigating this violence. If this is true will be holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law, including federal hate group designation and prosecution.”
— Albuquerque Police Department (@ABQPOLICE) June 16, 2020
or former deputy with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office. As soon as we have more information on this matter we will release it to the public.
— BCSO (Sheriff) NM (@BCSONM) June 16, 2020
APD reports they have arrested 31-year-old Steven Ray Baca in connection to the shooting. Baca is being booked into the Metropolitan Detention Center on a charge of aggravated battery. APD reports the shooting is an active investigation. It remains unclear if Baca was a part of the armed militia group.
“About 30 people call police asking for help even 30 minutes before this had even arised and no cops came onto scene. By the time we ran here, shots fired and a gentlemen fell down. She was in that part and helped him rescue and at that point, a whole swarm of — who are supporters — helped to resuscitate make sure that he was good. He was safe and well,” said one witness.
The gathering did start as a peaceful protest over the Don Juan de Oñate statue. At least one group created a petition saying it needed to be removed since it represents and continues a legacy of colonial violence.
Source: KRQE (Emphasis Added)
Here is the video of the altercation that went viral:
It’s always a bad idea to make a snap judgment based on 61 seconds of video.
But here’s what that 61 seconds reveals:
You can see that the man wearing the blue shirt is armed and once the crowd turns on him, he begins to retreat but the crowd follows. He is hit with a skateboard and continues to walk away with his hand upraised telling them to stop, but the crowd persists yelling, “get his license plate!” and “we’re going to f**king kill you!” He is then assaulted again and dragged to the ground as the crowd approaches. Before the shots are fired, at least 4 people are near him, two hitting him, one of those people is wielding a skateboard as a weapon.
Yet, the man was charged with “aggravated battery.” What about those folks that beat him up? Nothing about that. Likely because they were “protesters” and in a group.
This doesn’t mean that the guy shooting was justified in doing so–it’s not really possible to determine that with just 61 seconds of video.
But if someone who is apparently acting in self-defense is charged but the attackers are let off the hook for their role in escalating the situation, we no longer live in a just society.
This is dangerous.