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WATCH: Here Are 8 Speeches From The Final Night Of The RNC That You Shouldn’t Forget

While President Trump’s speech is the thing that will be the memorable one and highlighted on the news–don’t forget these incredible speeches.

The list of speakers every night of the Republican National Convention has been impressive. There are high-profile politicians, some relative unknowns, but some of the most moving compelling moments have been from everyday Americans explaining why they are supporting the President.

Here’s the full list of speakers from Night 4: “Land of Greatness”

  • President Donald J. Trump
  • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
  • Sen. Tom Cotton
  • House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy
  • Rep. Jeff Van Drew
  • Ivanka Trump
  • Ja’Ron Smith
  • Ann Dorn
  • Debbie Flood
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Franklin Graham
  • Alice Johnson
  • Wade Mayfield
  • Carl and Marsha Mueller
  • Dana White

1.  Carl and Marsha Mueller

The Mullers lost their daughter, Kayla, when she was kidnapped by ISIS when she entered Syria to provide aid to a hospital for refugees. She was held in isolation, tortured, and repeatedly raped. The Obama administration didn’t do much to help bring her home. To this day, her body has not been recovered.

“If Donald Trump had been President when Kayla was captured, she would be here today.”

2. Ann Dorn

David Dorn’s widow, Ann, shared who her husband was and what happened that night when he was shot and killed by looters in St. Louis. His final moments were livestreamed on Facebook.

“Violence and destruction are not legitimate forms of protest. They do not safeguard black lives. They destroy them.”

Her message is one that all Americans need to hear right now.

Powerful stuff.

3. Dana White

The UFC President isn’t an unknown entity, but he’s speaking here as the first leader of a sports organization to bring back live sporting events during a pandemic. He also debunks a lot of the Democrat talking points on President Trump’s handling of COVID-19.

“Now let’s talk about COVID and let’s be very honest about it. No one person and no one place could have anticipated the challenges that COVID would bring. But President Trump has faced all these obstacles head on. He immediately put protective measures in place, and he reached out to the best and the brightest leading American businesses across all industries to discuss what he and his administration could do to get the economy back up and running safely.”

3. Patrick Lynch

The President of the Police Benevolent Association in New York spoke about the violent crime that has been on the rise in major cities, and the overt anti-police sentiment that has bubbled over at the same time.

He said, “You won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America.”

“Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and institutions. The loudest voices have taken control, and our so-called ‘leaders’ are scrambling to catch up to them.”

5. Alice Johnson

Her story of a life transformed is inspiring. President Trump commuted Johnson’s sentence in 2018 after Kim Kardashian advocated for her. Johnson doesn’t say that criminals shouldn’t “do the time” but that the punishment should fit the crime, and that the criminal justice system could do with some reforms.

The most memorable quote from Johnson was this one, “I always remembered that God knew my name, even in my darkest hour–but I never thought a President would.”

President Trump issued a full pardon to Alice Johnson on Friday, the 57th Anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech.

6. Ja’Ron Smith

This one will really stick in the craw of Democrats… Ja’Ron Smith went from growing up on a blue-collar street in the blue-collar city of Cleveland, and he’s now a White House advisor.

Smith said, “Growing up, I’d never really known a Republican—I believed all the stereotypes.  It took meeting Republicans who shared my values to show me I was wrong.”

7. Debbie Flood

One of the things that propelled Donald Trump to the White House was his focus on blue-collar jobs and bringing back American manufacturing. Debbie Flood spoke about her business that was hit hard by the Obama administration’s position on normalizing trade with China. The Trump tax cuts allowed their business to give their employees a raise along with their own personal tax cuts.

“Our President understands that the best solutions unleash the innovation of American entrepreneurs and the creativity of American workers.” Flood added, “Joe Biden doesn’t know anything about business. Or about creating jobs. He’s spent 47 years in government. It is doubtful that he’ll finally figure it out in year 48.”

8. Stacia Brightmon

Ms. Brightmon is a single mom who struggled to find a career after her service in the Marine Corps. Eventually, after going back to school and getting into debt, she was homeless. She later got a job as a pipefitter helper in an “earn while you learn” program. Her circumstances completely turned around.

“If you find yourself in a situation like mine, where you feel you have nowhere to turn, nothing to really fall back on, and feel like no one believes in you, go online to ‘Find Something’ and see that President Trump believes in you.”

The Media(D) will focus on the speeches of President Trump, Ivanka, and members of the administration, but it’s these speeches that are not the polished words of politicians that will resonate with Joe American.

And these Americans from a wide variety of backgrounds support President Trump’s reelection.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker