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WATCH: Michael Moore Warns That Biden’s Ground Game In Michigan Is ‘Worse Than Hillary’s’

Leftist Micheal Moore was right about Trump winning in 2016, and he’s now sounding the alarm to Democrats that they’re still taking Michigan for granted.

Back in June, the Media(D) was gleefully reporting that Joe Biden had a double-digit lead over President Trump in Michigan. It was “proof” to the Libs that it was over for President Trump.

Except…he isn’t.

Biden’s support in Michigan began leaking once he started to pop his head out of his basement occasionally, and it’s now a close fight. 

In an interview with The Hill‘s morning show, The Rising, last week, Michael Moore said that Biden’s Michigan ground game is worse than Hillary’s.

“It’s actually worse than Hillary,” Moore told the Hill. “At least there was a ground game, even though she didn’t show up. There were Hillary offices in many towns, campaign offices, there was door to door campaigns.”

One of the major things that Moore identified that was a problem seems like a little thing, but it really isn’t–lawn signs.

In 2016, there wasn’t widespread availability of yard signs for Hillary, but at least there were door-to-door campaigns. With the pandemic going on, and the way that the Democrats have hyped up the pandemic porn, it would be hypocritical for Joe’s team to have volunteers knocking on doors urging people to vote for Hidin’ Biden.

“Yard signs may seem like a simple thing to people, but it says a lot because you’re driving up and down the roads in Michigan, and you see Trump sign after Trump sign, Trump flags, banners, people driving around in their pickup trucks with Trump flags. It’s everywhere,” Moore said. “There’s no Joe Biden.”

He also said that the Democrats have been taking the advice of the nutters from The Lincoln Project, a bunch of former Republican losers, who have been “blue-pilled” and are now actively opposing the Republican Party at every level to “own Trump.” It’s a whole cut off the nose just to spite the face situation, and the Biden camp is taking these clowns seriously.

The Lincoln Project advisors are telling the Biden camp to focus on converting Trump voters instead of minority voters, which is where Moore thinks the attention should be. The Biden camp is taking their cues from the likes of Steve Schmidt and Rick Wilson. Good luck, idiots!

Moore admits that he has a problem with Biden, but he says that those problems can be dealt with later. The thing that needs to happen is getting Trump out of office or the world is going to end…or something.

“I don’t know how to get this message through to the Biden people because basically it’s just making my job and everyone else who is trying to remove Trump harder,” he said. “We will not survive four more years of this. We all need to get in there and get Biden in there.”

Source: Washington Examiner


What is that smell…? It smells like cheeseburgers, fries, and…

Ah, yes. That’s it!

 Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male

by Doug Giles

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker