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Bullish Biden Is Willing To Nix The Filibuster — But Back In 2005 He Called It A ‘Naked Power Grab’ (VIDEO)

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How quickly things change once he’s the one in charge.

Democrats have become rather bold in pushing forward an increasingly leftwing agenda now that they essentially have a Trifecta in Washington — control of the Presidency, House of Representatives, and the deciding vote in a 50/50 Senate.

Despite the hew and cry over “Bad Orange Man” Trump “obliterating norms” when he was president, Democrats are doing just that. There’s the erroneously named “For The People Act” that pushes federal electoral reform that most people just don’t want, they’ve been very clear that they want to make Washington D.C. a state and if you oppose it you’re racist, eliminate the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, and ditch the filibuster.

President Biden signaled on Thursday that he would be willing to consider supporting the elimination of the filibuster if Senate Republicans use it to block Democratic legislative priorities from receiving a full vote on the Senate floor. He also advocated the return of a “talking” filibuster, which would require a senator to talk for an extended period of time in order to block a bill.

Most legislation in the Senate requires 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. Democrats hold a narrow 50-seat majority, and most Democratic legislation is unlikely to garner support from 10 Republicans. The filibuster is the biggest roadblock to Democrats achieving most of their legislative priorities.

At his first press conference as president, Mr. Biden said the filibuster was “being abused in a gigantic way.” He added that a talking filibuster would force senators “to stand there and talk and talk and talk and talk until you collapse,” and then the Senate could proceed with a vote afterwards.
Source: CBS News

Here is what President Jamala Biden-Harris said yesterday:

He admitted that he agreed with former President Obama who, in a “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” move, spoke about eliminating the filibuster at the funeral of Democratic Congressman John Lewis in order to “expand voting rights.”

Axios reports that people close to Biden say that he loves the growing narrative that he’s “bolder and bigger-thinking than President Obama.”

Which is quite interesting because they’ve both flipped on this particular issue.

Back when he was just the Junior Senator from Illinois, a less-grey Barack Obama defended the filibuster.

So did then-Senator Joseph R. Biden. As a matter of fact, he called eliminating the filibuster a “naked power grab” and said that he hopes that when Democrats hold the reins of power that they won’t do the same thing.

As a bit of a bonus, earlier in his address he gave a shout-out to Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, a former KKK recruiter as they both tried to keep off a qualified black woman off of the DC Circuit Court. (Someone should bring this up at the Congressional hearing on Diversity in the Federal Judiciary when Rep. Ted Lieu finally calms down.)

It wasn’t just Biden and Obama that defended the filibuster, either.

Here’s a supercut of Democrats defending the filibuster.

This is all rather confusing.

Biden’s claim that the reason to eliminate the filibuster is because it has been overused in the past year. Who was overusing it? Well, Democrats were.

Democrats were just fine using the filibuster to thwart Trump’s agenda. They used it to nix the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, they filibustered the GOP coronavirus relief bill in September, and they also filibustered Sen. Tim Scott’s police reform bill basically because he’s black and a Republican.

So, was it racist when Democrat Senators filibustered Senator Scott’s bill or not?

That’s a real conundrum for them.

Will President Jamala Biden-Harris have a stern talking-to with Democrat Senators for flippantly using a Jim Crow relic against a black man?

If it’s so obvious that the filibuster is a “Jim Crow relic” as they claim, then why did both Biden and Obama defend it in 2005?

Did they just suddenly realize that it was a Jim Crow relic?

Or is it just a “naked power grab” as 2005 Joe Biden said it was?

The filibuster allows for compromise, but the Democrats don’t want to compromise on anything. 

They’ve got a taste of power and they like it.

But just like at that Biden presser, don’t expect the corporate media to question how both former Senators managed to “evolve” on how racist the filibuster is now that Democrats have political power.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker