The Atlanta Spa Shootings

This past Tuesday, a man named Robert Aaron Long went to three massage parlors (Young’s Asian Massage, Gold Massage Spa, and Aromatherapy Spa) in the Atlanta area and carried out a series of shootings at all three locations, killing eight people and wounding another individual in the process. Long was later arrested that same day.
Long’s apparent motive for this shooting spree is a sexual addiction, as well as his religious beliefs. That seems to be the case, given the time he spent at an evangelical treatment facility for being a sex addict. In addition, a roommate of his at a halfway house claimed Long was torn between his religious beliefs and his sexual addiction, and that Long was unsuccessful in overcoming his addiction. Long eventually moved back in with his parents, but was kicked out of the house the night before the shooting due to spending most of his time watching internet pornography. Thus, he believed that by carrying out these shootings, he would be eliminating his sexual addiction (since he had visited two of the massage parlors in the past) and prevent others from giving in to such temptations, since he had engaged in sex at these establishments. It should also be noted that Long being kicked out of the house by his parents may have pushed him over the edge.
But despite Long being torn between his religious beliefs and his sexual desires, there are those who claim his actions to be that of a hate crime (since most of the victims were Asian). Some even say that the shootings were in retaliation for the Covid-19 Pandemic that originated in China, despite the fact most of the Asians killed in the shootings were Korean.
But liberals, whether they be politicians, the mainstream media, or the Hollywood elite, are convinced Long’s actions were racially motivated and will try to politicize the matter even though the investigation is ongoing.
Meanwhile, Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock is calling for gun control in the aftermath of the shootings, on the grounds that Long had purchased the gun he would use several hours before his murderous deed.
So the liberals are having a knee-jerk reaction in the aftermath of this tragedy, just like they did in the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016, in which they blamed on anti-gay bigotry and lack of gun control laws, despite the fact the shooting was the act of a jihadist (and hence Islamic terror).
Will the liberals ever learn not to jump to conclusions?