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COVIDICTATORS: Think That Vaccine Makes You Free To Travel Again? Not So Fast…

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Between the dizzying success of Operation Warp Speed to get vaccines from the drawing board into the public’s arms just how close are we to reclaiming life as we knew it?

President Joe Biden’s administration is gearing up for a campaign to distribute COVID-19 vaccines around the world, a diplomatic campaign touted as a necessity for a full rebound from the coronavirus pandemic.

“This pandemic won’t end at home until it ends worldwide,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday. “Even if we vaccinate all 332 million people in the United States tomorrow, we would still not be fully safe from the virus — not while it’s still replicating around the world, and turning into new variants that could easily come here and spread across our communities again. And, not if we want to fully reopen our economy, or start traveling again.”

…The pivot to distribute vaccines around the world could allow the U.S. to blunt Chinese efforts to use the vaccine as the sharp point of a wedge to drive between Washington and allies in places such as the Philippines and Hungary.

“We want to rise to the occasion for the world,” Blinken said. “By helping bring to a close one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, we can show the world, once again, what American leadership and American ingenuity can do. Let’s make that the story of the end of COVID-19.” — WashingtonExaminer

On one level, this looks like it could be a story about international cooperation. But in light of what we’ve seen over the past year, where 15 days to slow the spread quickly stretched into greater and greater government control over finer and finer details of our personal lives, we’ve learned to be skeptical of such announcements.

Is this about beating the virus? Or is it prepping us for something else?

Will we be able to hop on a plane and see the world again, if we feel like it — attend that wedding they wanted to hold at that resort, plan that big family reunion, or even just get a short reprieve from the endless red-state/blue state battle of ideas and outrage?

The rapid deployment of those vaccines, together with the natural immunity of those who’ve stared down the virus and come out on top should be getting us close to that magical goal of ‘herd immunity’, shouldn’t it?

Once we get to that checkpoint, can we finally put this whole stupid mess behind us?

Probably not. Not if Secretary of State Blinken has anything to say about it.

If you’ll notice, now that fear or the original is on the decline, new fears of the possible successor variant are being stoked, by Blinken, Fauci and all the rest.

Governments have always been slow to give up power, once they’ve got their greedy mitts on it.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck