WEIRD SCIENCE: Pentagon Has Microchip And Blood Filter For Beating COVID, Developing New Generation Of Vaccines

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Back when Xi’s gift of the plague had first been bestowed upon the world, these are the exotic kinds of new treatments that so many of us could hardly have dreamed of.
Who could have predicted an electronic sensor under the skin that detects someone being compromised with a viral load, leading to early treatment to get ahead of the virus?
Who could have predicted a dialysis kind of COVID treatment that would — like much Trump once said in his own, awkward, layman way referencing the analogs we have for cleaning surfaces, namely UV light and disinfectants — target and destroy a virus that has already taken hold in the body?
Who could have predicted the production of a vaccine that is effective not just against the current crop of Coronaviruses, but is effective against the whole Coronavirus family, including both known and future strains?
That’s the future we’re looking at, thanks to the R&D people at the Pentagon, specifically, the team at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) .
Having one of their ships completely shut down due to a virus tearing through it last year got the R&D people to put a wiggle in research they’d already been interested in.
After the incident with the USS Theodore Roosevelt, they have been busy little beavers.
Pentagon scientists working inside a secretive unit set up at the height of the Cold War have created a microchip to be inserted under the skin, which will detect COVID-19 infection, and a revolutionary filter that can remove the virus from the blood when attached to a dialysis machine.
…Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician leading DARPA’s response to the pandemic, showed the 60 Minutes team a tissue-like gel, engineered to continuously test your blood.
‘You put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body, and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow,’ he explained.–DailyMail
That will work ‘like a check engine light’ responding to some of the chemical reactions your body will go through while the body’s symptoms are still sub-clinical.
And if that ‘check engine light’ goes off? You can self-administer a blood draw and have yourself an accurate result in 3-5 mintues.
What if you happen to someone who has unfortunately caught it? Well, for one thing, treatment is a lot easier if you catch it early.
For another, there is a version of dialysis that has been approved in emergency situations.
Another invention of Hepburn’s team is a filter, which is placed on a dialysis machine and removes the virus from the blood.
The experimental four-day treatment was given to “Patient 16”, a military spouse, who was in the ICU with organ failure and septic shock.
‘You pass it through, and it takes the virus out, and puts the blood back in,’ said Hepburn.
Within days, Patient 16 made a full recovery.
The FDA has authorized the filter for emergency use, and it has been used to treat nearly 300 critically ill patients.–DailyMail
And here it comes…
Yes, there is.
They’ve gone way past looking for a vaccine to this virus whose days are already numbered, and they are looking to new horizons, and bigger fish.
member of the team, Dr James Crowe, has found a way to find antibodies in a vial of blood in record time – reducing the time frame from the usual six to 24 months down to 78 days.
The technology he developed was used to help make antibodies against COVID-19.
They are currently working on ways to speed up the actual growing of antibodies – a process that at present takes three weeks for 7,500 doses.
‘We would start from a blood sample from a survivor, and be done with all of this and be giving you an injection of the cure within the 60 days,’ he said.
Another scientist, Dr Kayvon Modjarrad, is currently trying to create a vaccine against all coronaviruses.
‘This is not science fiction, this is science fact,’ he told the show.
‘We have the tools, we have the technology, to do this all right now.’ —DailyMail
If 15% of the common cold comes from the Coronavirus family… this would literally be a cure for the common cold — or at the very least, 15% of the way to getting there.
With all of this success, why do you suppose Joe Biden is in such a hurry to sweep Operation Warp Speed under the rug?