Space Force Commander ‘Temporarily Reassigned’ After Saying Marxism Has Infiltrated The Military

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Yes, our military takes an oath to defend the something, something, something — but Heaven help you if the Biden People catch you actually ACTING on that oath!
Just as a lieutenant colonel who was pulled from his post for saying that-which-must-not-be-said.
If you thought the purge in the Obama years made a cultural change in politizing the military leadership that would be damned difficult to get rid, just wait until you see what Obama’s defacto Third Term is going to look like.
There are no brakes on this runaway train.
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was a guest on a podcast where he discussed his new book, “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.” The podcast he was a guest on is called “Information Operation”.
It ruffled the wrong feathers, and he’s been pulled from his post on Space Force pending an investigation.
Does anyone doubt for a moment that if he had pushed an equally political book for the other team’s agenda he would get a pass, or even an ‘attaboy’ and a pat on the back?
Lohmeier did all the things he is supposed to do when publishing a book. He consulted with legal and with his superiors. They told him he didn’t need to submit it for review. This was intended, not as a ‘political’ book, but a critique of a particular ideology that is bad for the wellbeing of both the nation and the military that defends it.
His book claims that a “neo-Marxist agenda” has infiltrated the military.
“The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … is rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism,” Lohmeier told podcast host L. Todd Wood, reported.
He insisted that his book is not political, but rather a warning about the increased politicization of the armed forces — some of which he said he’s seen first-hand.
Lohmeier also took apparent issue with Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby — who he referred to only as “a Pentagon spokesperson” — claiming that Kirby had said “there are too many white pilots” in the Air Force and Space Force. –NYPost
Is he pushing a partisan agenda? He doesn’t think so.
He just wants other people to stop pushing theirs in the military.
“My intent never has been to engage in partisan politics,” he said. “I have written a book about a particular political ideology in the hope that our defense department might return to being politically non-partisan in the future as it has honorably throughout history.” –NYPost
Do you think for a minute this would have been permitted under Trump’s watch?
Biden told us he’s got big plans for the ‘soul of the nation’.
He just never said anything about ‘sucking it dry’.
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