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Fed Told It Can’t Use Offensive Terms Like ‘Founding Fathers’

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Just in time for Fathers’ Day and just a little early for Independence Day, here’s yet another slap in the face from the Department Of Wokeness.

What Guidance is the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors giving out to the rank and file as we get ready to face dizzying inflation numbers? Does it have something to do with institutional integrity? Policy about the correct handling of sensitive information? Something to keep the ship of state from washing up on the shoals of another recession?

Nah. It had far loftier goals about not hurting feelings.

In a meeting on April 29, the following guidance was issued.

“Bias-free language recognizes diversity and avoids stereotyping, demeaning, or excluding people on the basis of gender, race, ethnic group, religion, age, ability/disability, or sexual orientation,” the guidance states.

“Try to avoid words and phrases that may be considered offensive, pejorative, or prejudiced (whether consciously or unconsciously), as these can distract your audience from the ideas/information you’re trying to convey,” it continues.

The guidance contains a list of “biased terms” to avoid, including “blacklist,” “grandfathered,” and “Founding Fathers.” Employees are instructed to use terms like “denied,” “legacy,” and “Founders” instead.

The Fed also said the terms “whitelisted, “manpower,” “manmade,” and “singular generic pronouns” – such as “he,” she,” “his,” and “hers” – should be replaced with more “bias-free” alternatives like “allowed,” “artificial,” and pronouns such as “they,” “their” and “theirs.” — FoxNews

Leave it to the language Gestapo to be offended by perfectly serviceable and comprehensible terminology while offering clumsier words with more opaque meanings in their place.

That’s peak bureaucracy folks. These clowns are why Regan so famously said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”

The most ironic part is when the Board of Governors said this:

‘…as these can distract your audience from the ideas/information you’re trying to convey…’

The solution for terms that might be ‘distracting’ to your audience is to replace them with terms that might be confusing or even inscrutable to the audience.

That is an almost textbook example of how arbitrary government red tape actually makes life worse for anything it touches.

Do they have any plans of dealing with inflation? Or are they too busy admiring their unearned moral authority?

The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck