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Biden’s Son & Sister Blasted By Obama’s Former Ethics Chief

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Even Democrats can’t bring themselves to pretend these money-making deals don’t look like blatant political corruption.

You don’t have to look very far to know that Obama’s administration didn’t mind breaking the rules when it served their political agenda.

Crossfire Hurricane, Sypgate, and the sabotage of General Flynn is the obvious example. But there are plenty of others like Fast and Furious, or the weaponizing of the IRS against the TEA Party, or having Brennan hack the computers of sitting senators for example.

But with Pelosi, Schumer, the DOJ, the media AND Silicon Valley in his corner running interference for him, Biden become so brazen that he’s not bothering to hide his familial ties to dubious financial gain anymore.

That ‘famous artiste‘, renowned businessman, expert in all things concerning energy, Ukraine, Russia, and China — and the smartest man Joe Biden says he knows — is now selling his ‘masterpieces’ for the low, low price of anywhere between $75,000 to $500,000 each.

This isn’t somebody from the Trump administration pointing fingers at Biden. This is a Democrat an ethics advisor from Joe’s old boss’s administration blasting Biden’s wobbly ethics.

“We need active measures to overcome the pernicious influence of family connections, cronyism and systemic racism,” he added. “Otherwise, implicit bias will surely get America more appointees from privileged backgrounds, insulated from the needs of the broader public.”

Biden pledged that his children, unlike Trump’s, would never “have offices in the White House,” Shaub noted. So it’s “troubling that so many relatives of top Biden appointees are landing jobs in his administration,” he added.

The Post last week identified 11 family members of Biden aides employed in various administration posts. The actual numbers may be higher.

“Whatever Biden meant when he promised a better way, it seems his administration now interprets that promise as narrowly applicable to his [immediate] family,” Shaub wrote. —Huffpo

In a tweet, Schaub took direct aim at how the high-end sale of Hunter’s brand new art collection is being handled.

Here he is calling out Biden’s nepotism. And in case anyone thought he was just a republican in disguise… here he is blasting both Trump supporters AND Democrats for the same infraction.

His social media shows he’s also all-in on changing the SCOTUS now that it’s been ‘corrupted’ by politics — read: now that Democrats no longer hold the balance of power there that they had enjoyed for generations. So yeah, he’s saying all this despite being rabidly partisan.

Biden’s sister caught hell for cashing in on Joe’s political position, too.

Shaub was also critical of President Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, for appearing to cash in on her brother’s new position with a new book next year and pointed out that the president hasn’t publicly told his relatives to stop “capitalizing on his name.”

“On one level, I feel empathy for the president having all these relatives he can’t directly control capitalizing on his name — whether it’s his brother, his son, or his sister — but, on the other hand, he isn’t exactly out there publicly saying he wishes they’d stop, and that makes this a little bit his problem too,” Shaub said in his email to Fox News. “It’s disappointing.” — FoxNews

Should the eagerness and brazenness of the family cashing on Joe’s political fortune really surprise any of us? We’ve only been reporting on it for a couple of years now.

Dems could have picked anyone they wanted to be their presidential nominee. They picked the guy with known corruption issues. And when it became impossible to hide them from the public?

They coordinated to discredit anyone sharing that story… including the New York Post. Until AFTER election day was safely behind them, anyway. Because why should the voting public be protected from buying a ‘pig in a poke’ in their choice of a President?

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But Wait! There’s more!

Exactly how many of these examples does it take before we get to call it ‘a fact pattern’?

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck