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MASKLESS JOE: Biden Spotted Violating Mask Mandate While Shopping In Nantucket

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President Joe Biden has said that wearing a mask is a “patriotic duty” — but he’s been spotted several times maskless out in public. Does that make him unpatriotic?

His policies that are currently destroying the country might be a better indicator of what he thinks of the country, but that’s another article entirely.

Over the weekend, President Joe Biden, who constantly lectures Americans about mask-wearing, was spotted sans mask in a Nantucket shop that had a massive sign on the door that said that facemasks were required.

The president was seen inside Murray’s Toggery Shop on the island of Nantucket Saturday with his mask around his neck and not covering his mouth despite a visible sign outside the door instructing patrons to wear a mask.

According to the White House press pool, Biden walked out of the shop at 4:45 p.m. with his mask down and drinking what appeared to be a milkshake.

The president ignored a question on what more needs to be done to stop the rising omicron variant as he walked down the street to another store.
Source: Fox News

This was just hours after being briefed about Xi’s Omicron Variant and imposing what would be considered a xenophobic travel ban if Biden had an “R” after his name instead of a “D.”

Here’s video footage of “Maskless Joe” spotted through the store window:

The excuse that he was “drinking a milkshake” is pretty lame because the COVIDictators and Mask Nazis insist that you pull up your mask between sips — at least that’s what it’s like on flights these days.

Cards on the table — it’s pretty stupid that Biden is still doing this mask theater after being triple vaxxed.

It’s quite stupid that any of us are doing any of this because masks are something that makes people feel better but has never been shown to have any significant effect in preventing the spread of an airborne respiratory virus.

Here’s the Prevaricating Authoritarian Smurf admitting that his mask-wearing post-vaccination was indeed theater.

He’s since flip-flopped again because of the “variants of concern.”

Throughout all of medical history, the studies on the efficacy of mask-wearing to prevent an airborne virus were shown to not be very effective unless they were the N-95 respirators that are properly fitted. It wasn’t until after the China Virus began to spread that new studies were conducted and miraculously showed that surgical masks or even a piece of cloth can successfully stop the virus from spreading.

As we’ve seen in the past year and a half, people are still contracting the virus after vaccines, mask mandates, and social distancing.

A massive study of school children in Georgia showed no difference in the spread of the virus in schools with mask mandates and those without. Even left-leaning New York Magazine cited the study and said that it’s “unclear” if it’s necessary to mask kids.

That’s because the masks that the vast majority of people are wearing are just not effective.

Here’s a snarky little tweet that illustrates why that is quite well.

But this isn’t about bashing Biden for not wearing a mask because he’s putting people at risk — it’s bashing him for not wearing a mask because he’s a horrendous nag when it comes to masks, and he uses manipulative language to get compliance.

Biden has insisted that it’s a “patriotic duty” to wear a mask and that wearing a mask is easy.

He’s been beating this drum for a long time.

He said that he wanted “100 Days of Masks” when he took office and that would make all the difference.

If you just continue to wear masks, that’s how we “get back to normal” said Biden.

We’re going to get “back to normal?”

That came from the guy that uses the heavy hand of the federal government to institute mask mandates everywhere that he can, and when he can’t, he pressures state and local governments as well as businesses to do it.

This same guy doesn’t always wear his mask, though.

Biden and First Lady Jill were spotted at a swanky eatery in D.C. without masks as they walked through the restaurant.

And yet, Biden seems to get angry when people don’t want to wear masks and he insists it’s just so easy to wear a mask.

It might be easy for him — he just puts it on for a few minutes and takes it off again. For many Americans, they’re being forced to wear that for their entire workday. Do you think that he does that? Heck no!

But if you don’t want to slap a dirty piece of cloth on your face, then you’re not patriotic says the President who is currently running the country into the ground.

And boy, does Joe seem to love his masks!

Before the CDC flip-flopped on vaccinated people wearing masks outdoors — which is asinine, by the way — Biden wore a mask walking alone outside to make the announcement that you don’t need to wear masks outside if you’re double vaxxed.

He was asked about this and his answer was weird.

It’s Joe Biden — it’s not like what he says and what he does makes any rational sense.

A couple of times, he’s been captured on video getting anxious after misplacing his mask.

Here he is campaigning in Georgia and beginning to panic because he forgot he put his mask in his pocket.

Here he is just a couple of weeks ago at a signing ceremony for the Infrastructure bill looking for his mask.

The President is not okay.

But it seems that a lot of people aren’t okay, either.

The thing about this is that it seems that the people making the rules know that it’s theater but insist that we comply anyway.

If the people making the rules know that it’s all theater and therefore don’t comply — then why the hell should we?

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K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker