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Saudi Women Flock To Gun Range With First Female Firearms Instructor

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If you thought that allowing Saudi women to drive was giving them freedom — get a load of this!

Saudi Arabia is loosening its restrictions on women by allowing them to drive and travel without a male companion… and now the restrictive Islamist monarchy is allowing women to buy firearms and receive weapons training.

Mona Al-Khurais, 36, is thrilled.

She’s loved guns since she was a child. Her father took her on hunting trips in Saudi Arabia and taught her how to shoot.

After training both in Saudi Arabia and overseas, Al-Khurais is now a qualified weapons trainer. She is the first female firearms instructor and range safety officer at the Top Gun firing range in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

‘I am so happy to practise my passion and my hobby as a coach and a range safety officer,’ Ms Khurais said.

‘Hopefully, I can share my experience with Saudi girls, to encourage them to enter this difficult field that was previously reserved for men.’

Ms Khurais was one of the exhibitors at the Saudi Falconry and Hunting show, an annual exhibition in Riyadh showcasing manufacturers specialising in hunting weapons.

Exhibitors displayed pistols, sniper rifles, hunting rifles and semi-automatic weapons as well as hunting paraphernalia. Visitors with gun licences can buy the weapons on show.
Source: Daily Mail

Al-Khurais was surprised when the backlash she received due to her profession was from women and not men. She said that the women viewed her love of guns as strange and more of a thing that men do.

Here is Al-Khurais on the gun range:

Al-Khurais hopes that she can inspire more women to take up sport shooting and hopes to form a women’s shooting team to compete in the Olympics.

So far, it seems to be working. Al-Khurais is attracting female students. Perhaps her dream of an Olympic team may come to fruition.

Khurais claims that this year was a turning point in her career since the government finally permitted women to purchase guns.

In the traditional monarchy, attitudes regarding women are shifting, with women steadily increasing their participation in the workforce by obtaining employment in a variety of fields.
Source: WION via MSN

It’s pretty epic that women in Saudi Arabia are being given the opportunity to learn how to safely and responsibly handle a firearm. As an added bonus, some of them may just fall in love with the sport as Al-Khurais did and perhaps go on to compete on the world stage.


This is so much better than the leftist gun-grabbers who vilify firearms in Western countries — even for law-abiding citizens who want to hunt or sport shoot.

K. Walker

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker