As Fauci And Pfizer Push More Boosters, Here’s What They’re NOT Telling You About Myocarditis

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*editor’s note* — a special thank-you to a reader in the comment section for helping clarify an unfamiliar medical term for the transcript. Be sure and catch the explanation in the comments. *end*
This is another of those videos that would have been deleted from the internet just a few short months ago… even though the points they are making are both rational and defensible.
It’s a conversation between two doctors. One of them is host Dr. Drew (David Drew Pinsky), substantial list of credentials here. The other is his guest, Dr. Tracey Høeg, who is a Danish epidemiologist and vaccine researcher living in America.
Their conversation ranges from Høeg’s testimony before Congress (multiple times during the pandemic) to mask policy, vaccine safety, and myocarditis — among other topics.
Here are a few of the timestamps to help you navigate to parts of the conversation that interest you most, with some parts of the conversation we found compelling cited.
0-24 minute mark — introduction and conversation about testimony before Congress and overall mask policy, especially in the context of schools.
24:00 Drew asks, ‘What happened to our profession?’ He is outraged by the fact that during COVID, patients were being told ‘go home and come back when you can’t breathe.’
Says physicians are being punished for innovating blames overregulation by those people and agencies to whom doctors directly report. Notes that surgeons, because they have to be more directly responsive to dynamic situations, are (still) more adaptive than other kinds of doctors.
30:00 Conversation about vaccine safety begins.
33:00 Myocarditis in children. Her new study. Mandates have been forcing things on people that may not have been in the patients’ best interests.
37:00 Notes that decentralized individualized medical advice has been replaced by centralized universal advice. This is new, and not a good development.
39:15 ‘Just myocarditis???’
DREW: ‘Before these vaccines, myocarditis was a freaking medical emergency. First of all, rare. You rarely saw it. But if you did, that person is going into the hospital right now. They could die any second with an arrhythmia, they could end up with a cardio transplant b/c of a cardiomyopathy, and you don’t know where it’s going and it was a serious medical emergency. And people talk about it like yeah one in 1500, one in 3000 myocarditis, so what? — So WHAT???? This is one of the more devastating medical problems you could have.
TRACEY: ‘In our data set, 87% were hospitalized. And according to the CDC, 90% of these kids with myocarditis are hospitalized. They have to miss 3-6 months of participating in any exercise or sports for this. There’s what’s called this late gadolinium enhancement on the MRI. So that what I understand is there’s a potential for scarring of the heart long-term. These are kids that we need to follow them (sic) long-term. We need to know if there’s any increased risk of problems with arrhythmias in the future. It’s not something that you want your child to have. If it’s one in 3000 risk, which is what it is looking like in the 12-17 year olds and there, it’s still rare but considering their risk from COVID, this is something that needs to be taken seriously. Needs to be looked into. I’m not a cardiologist, but I’ve talked to enough cardiologists about this and they’re concerned about it too.
50:00 (approx) We’re at the point where it (COVID) is becoming a medical problem not a societal problem.
53:00 Caller, Father of Ernesto Ramirez Jr. whose 16yo son died from vaccine complications… and he says he refused to bow to pressure from officials to change his son’s death certificate from Myocarditis to Covid. Ernesto’s story is here.
If that name seems familiar, ClashDaily covered that story here in September: GoFundMe Spikes Grieving Dad’s Fundraiser Because Of COVIDictator Conformity
102: Coercion has replaced informed consent.
Interesting how there’s all kinds of stuff in here that would have been ‘verboten’ a year ago, but is considered perfectly sensible now.
It’s almost like we were all being gaslit during the pandemic, isn’t it?
Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.
Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.
This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.