Faith! We Walk by Faith Not by Sight
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What makes confident Christians different from any other group of people? In a word, faith.
Our hope isn’t anchored in our circumstances, our talent stack, our network, or our ability to sink our swim. Our hope is anchored in nothing less than the unchanging promises of God himself.
As Christians, we have promises backed by God himself. When He makes a promise, there’s no power on this planet big enough to stand in its way.
Does every Christian live that way? Not lately. At least, not in this part of the world. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t.
Think of today’s show as drinking a double espresso. If you’ve been running on empty, let this give your faith the wake-up jolt it needs to get back in the fray.
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Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap
by Doug Giles
Beginning in March 2020, many Christians went into lockdown-freak-out mode.
They “socially distanced” themselves from corporate worship and from pretty much everyone and everything else, except, of course, liquor, and grocery stores.
Uncut, irrational, unbiblical, and not to mention, unconstitutional, fear gripped many churches and church leaders.
Should pastors publicly repent if they obeyed Fauci in regard to how they conducted their ministry instead of adhering to the clear commands of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
That’s a legit question, eh?
Get your copy of Dear Christian: Your Fear Is Full of Crap now. Better yet, grab an extra copy for any petrified pastor who dutifully put obedience to the unconstitutional edicts of Mayor McCheese ahead of obedience to the explicit commandments of the LORD God Almighty.