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Good News/Bad News: One Destructive Leftist Removed From Congress/Replaced By Another

Last week brings tidings of a poisonous Democrat elected official who’s been elbowed out of power by another, like-minded, member of her party — so it’s one of those “good news/bad news” things.

The AP provides the details:

Rep. Jerry Nadler, who twice led fights to impeach former President Donald Trump, defeated Rep. Carolyn Maloney in a Democratic primary Tuesday after a court forced the two veteran lawmakers into the same New York City congressional district. … Nadler’s victory ends a 30-year run in Congress for Maloney … The unusual fight between incumbents who have spent decades working together was the result of a redistricting process that lumped Nadler’s home base on the west side of Manhattan together with Maloney’s on the east side, with neither willing to run in another part of the city.

Neither of these characters is anything to write home about … unless your goal is to express reprehension at their decades-long, malevolent, anti-liberty track record. Nadler and Maloney both luminously represent what, for most Democrats nowadays, is dependably pernicious, standard-issue Leftism.

So, let’s not delude ourselves: what effectively happened a few days ago is one dangerous, big-government Collectivist has been taken off the political board (for now); but only because an equally — perhaps even slightly more — unyielding and addle-pated one took her place (one who’ll likely retain his seat in a walk on November 8th).

Again, per the AP:

Few policy differences between Nadler [and] Maloney … emerged during the primary campaign. … Asked at a debate how his record differed from that of Maloney, Nadler cited his votes against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, and in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. Maloney … voted the other way on all three.

To Maloney’s credit, then, at least she bucked her party’s company line in opposing the bonkers Iran treaty (and I would add supported the War against Saddam Hussein which, I still contend, was at least a defensible, perhaps even responsible, effort working from the information to which American leaders had access at the time.)

Other than that? The seventy-five-year-old Nadler and seventy-six-year-old Maloney? Pretty much carbon copies of each other: Both are Empire State liberal lawmakers, originally elected in 1992, incrementally leaching away the best of the United States by pushing the obnoxious and corrosive Democratic agenda ever since; except the former possesses XY chromosomes, the latter XX.

Don’t skate over that last point. Analyzing Maloney’s demotion through the calculus currently regnant in progressive circles, a consistent observer could only conclude Democrats must hate women. I mean, the headline could read: “Veteran Male Dem Rep Forces Veteran Female Dem Rep from Office.”

That must indicate Nadler and all his supporters loathe the estrogen-heavy types as well — they engineered Maloney’s ballot-box defenestration after all.

And, it turns out, the lady from Gotham wasn’t just any congressperson in a skirt/pants-suit. Maloney could boast of her role as “the first woman to chair the House Oversight and Reform Committee”.

Apropos of that, despite her avowed “good” friendship with Nadler, Maloney is quoted by the AP insisting “women in politics still face ‘misogyny’ today, something she said she experienced herself in her campaign this year.” [emphases mine] Then there’s this: “[O]n the campaign trail, Maloney said that as a woman, she would fight harder to protect abortion rights than Nadler.” Finally, “’I’m really saddened that we no longer have a woman representing Manhattan in Congress,’ Maloney added.”

Should those plaints be taken as subtle digs against her former “ally” and her still male-dominated caucus?

For the record, it’s been established for years now that neither candidate is a big fan of unborn females. Left to Nadler/Maloney’s macabre devices, baby-murdering will gallop along unhindered under the banner of “choice”; open season on children in the womb — little girls definitely included — will continue apace.

Thus, with Carolyn Maloney presently out of office, one less abhorrent, Constitution-phobic, anti-marriage, anti-human, Statist New York politico will be foisted upon the nation’s legislative process. Hurrah.

Unfortunately, that other one remains — definitely one too many. Hissssssss …
A Maloney-free Congress decidedly ain’t a Nadler-free Congress — a situation which remains quite intolerable.

Steve Pauwels

Steve Pauwels is pastor of Church of the King, Londonderry, NH and host of Striker Radio with Steve Pauwels on the Red State Talk Radio Network. He's also husband to the lovely Maureen and proud father of three fine sons: Mike, Sam and Jake.