The Latest Politically Incorrect Guides

There are now two more politically incorrect guides available in bookstores or online: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Pandemics by Steven W. Mosher and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
In The Politically Incorrect Guide to Pandemics, Mosher provides the truth about the Covid-19 pandemic- it was biological warfare by the People’s Liberation of China. He also discusses how the pandemic disrupts people’s lives not only in terms of fatalities (which aren’t as high as some experts anticipated) but also because of the lockdowns (which infringed upon people’s freedoms), mask mandates (which weren’t really effective), attempts to mandate vaccinations (which definitely weren’t effective), and the impact on nations’ economies. And of course, Mosher discusses how Dr. Anthony Fauci had ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology by mean of funding the institute’s virus enhancement experiments. He also warns the public that China could unleash another pandemic in the future.
Mosher’s book is not limited to the Covid-19 pandemic. He also discusses several other pandemics and plagues: the Hamin Mangha, China plague from around 3000 B.C., the Antonine Plague of 165-180, the Plague of Justinian of 541-750, the Black Death of 1347-1351, the Yunnan Plague of 1772-1960, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920, the Asian Flu pandemic of 1957-1958, the Hong Kong Flu pandemic of 1968-1969, and the Swine Flu pandemic of 1976-1977. All of these plagues and pandemics, Mosher points out, originated in China (including the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1920).
In The Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics, DiLorenzo discusses how nations can be better off if there weren’t so many government regulations. Examples include government failures (which for bureaucrats is all about bigger budgets and control over people’s lives), price controls, antitrust legislation, public sector monopolies (e.g. public utilities) versus private sector monopolies, the New Deal, government entities (e.g. the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Reserve), the minimum wage, and NAFTA.
DiLorenzo also discusses how ineffective socialism (including its extreme version known as communism) is by mentioning its poor track record on the environment, how the nationalization of industries resulted in extreme poverty in some countries (e.g. Venezuela), how it is harmful in the field of medicine (e.g. long lines for medical treatment, which results in people dying or medical staffs unable to help patients when the patients were able to see a specialist), and how socialism is really totalitarianism in disguise, as it does away with individual freedoms. He also points out that while various leftists of today view their political adversaries as fascists, the Fascist Party (as well as the Nazi Party, which is an acronym for National Socialist German Workers’ Party) were also socialists, the difference being that in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, nearly half of the industries in those countries were owned by the government, while the remainder were subject to government regulation. Perhaps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should take note of this the next time she mentions fascism.
So be sure to check out both of these books.