REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION: Army’s First Trans Officer Busted Trying To Sell Secrets To Russians

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Ironically, this is an example of how Trump’s military trans issues policy would have *prevented* attempted actual Russian subversion.
This story is not to be confused with US Army intelligence analyst Bradley/Chelsea Manning who had been tried and convicted for espionage act violations during the Obama Presidency.
In this instance, we are looking at the first openly transexual officer in the US Army, US Army Major Jamie Lee Henry. Jamie and his wife, Anna Gabrielian who is an anesthesiologist in Johns Hopkins hospital have been busted for selling secrets to Russia.
The secrets involved medical information related to personnel from Ft. Bragg and Johns Hopkins.
The couple attempted to give the confidential information to a Russian Embassy employee but instead handed it over to an undercover FBI agent, said prosecutors.
They have been charged with conspiracy and wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information.
Henry held a secret-level security clearance at Fort Bragg in North Carolina due to her position as a staff internist.
Her wife, Gabrielian, speaks both English and Russian, according to Johns Hopkins.
…The undercover agent posing as a person working for the Russian Embassy in Washington approached Gabrielian in mid-August, asking her about the assistance she offered to the Embassy a few months previous.
According to the indictment, the couple allegedly provided the agent with medical information of patients at Fort Bragg and Johns Hopkins to show “the potential for the Russian government to gain insights into the medical conditions of individuals associated with the US government and military, to exploit this information.”
— Sun
This was no mere mistake, either. The couple made it explicitly clear that their ultimate loyalty was not to America, but to the Russian war effort.
Gabrielian agreed to meet with the agent in a hotel room in Baltimore, Maryland on August, 17, read the indictment.
She also called the agent several times to “reaffirm” that she and Henry were “committed to helping Russia.”
Gabrielian allegedly told the agent “she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail,” read the indictment.
She even claimed that Henry would be “a more important source for Russia,” due to Henry’s position in the military.
“Henry explained to the [undercover agent that they were] committed to assisting Russia, and he had looked into volunteering to join the Russian Army after the conflict in Ukraine began, but Russia wanted people with ‘combat experience,’ and he did not have any,” read the indictment.
“Henry further stated: ‘the way I am viewing what is going on in Ukraine now, is that the United States is using Ukrainians as a proxy for their own hatred toward Russia.” — Sun
This must be a really bitter pill for the Democrats. They’ve been digging for years for any hint of Russian Collusion and they came up empty except for this poster-child for their own centerpiece social issue du jour.
Unless you want to count Snowden, who recently took on Russian citizenship.
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