CRIME WAVE: Dog The Bounty Hunter Drops TRUTHBOMB About What’s REALLY Gone Wrong

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Unlike so many policy wonks who have degrees from all the right schools, this guy’s entire real-world experience involves people living on the margins of society.
Sean Spicer was interviewing this colorful character on Newsmax, and he has something insightful to say about what’s really going on in the skyrocketing crime numbers we’ve seen in the last few years.
.@DogBountyHunter: “I am so for educate, not incarcerate, but when you do something bad to a person, you hurt another human being physically, mentally… you belong in a cage until you’re taught not to do that.” @seanspicer
— Newsmax (@newsmax) October 18, 2022
Here’s the exchange:
Sean: Dog, I agree with you. There’s two sides to this equation. There’s a lack of consequence for breaking the law, right? People feel like they can be brazen. They can go out there and commit a crime because they’re not gonna do the time. You watch people just literally — on these videos that are going viral — break down a door. But then there’s the other side of the factor. I just feel like, in talking to law enforcement, they don’t feel like they’ve got any backup. People don’t have the back of law enforcement anymore. You see efforts to defund them, to demean them, and if you’re a cop, they’re being told ‘why do I want to chase this bad guy anymore because all that’s going to happen is somebody’s going to say that I didn’t do something right and the guy’s going to be back on the street. So you’ve got the criminal who says that no one’s going to do anything and then the cop saying ‘what’s in it for me ’cause I’m just gonna get demeaned’.
Dog: Right, but see the laws that protect the police officer have been changed or gone away. Okay. Once we get the regime back in there that will bring the laws back — there’s a lot of laws that have been dismissed, passed, overlooked, now they’re adminstrative laws which are really nothing. Once we get back the right regime in there who make the laws and vote the laws in, this is all gone. Because … I think America went to sleep ‘cuz we thought it was going to go OK, now ALL of us have more crime. So we’re going back to — I am SO for ‘educate not incarcerate but when you do something bad to a person — you hurt another human being physically, mentally, whatever — you belong in a cage until you’re taught to do that.
It’s not rocket science. It’s a simple case of cause and effect.
If you don’t hurt people and wreak havoc in our community, we don’t have to lock you away.
So simple a Democrat could understand it… if they actually wanted to.
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