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Colorado Springs Night Club Shooting: What We Know … And What We Don’t

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At a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, an armed individual entered the building and began shooting people.

A man, now identified as 22yo Anderson Lee Aldrich, was detained after firing blindly into the crowd at the ‘Club Q’ nightclub.

Twenty-five people were wounded and five slain in the violence. People are already rushing to conclusions.

What we know:

The attack happened shortly after midnight. Two people in attendance were able to rush the shooter and put an end to the attack.

We know the name of the attacker. We know that he brought a long gun and also had another firearm on his person. We know this is not his first brush with the law.

We know the names of some relatives who had a prominent place in the community.

We know that there were events promoting ‘Trans’ issues including an ‘all ages’ drag event less than 24 hours before the shooting.

Police have offered no evidence that they were in any way involved with this crime, so we will not indulge in guilt-by-association. Other outlets, our readers will notice, have been pleased to draw these connections.

We know that police are still looking into the motive which may or may not include what we commonly mean by the word ‘hate’.

These are the same outlets that mysteriously failed to mention the Pulse Nightclub shooter’s claims of ISIS inspiration, or the gunman who attacked Family Research Council with a bag full of Chick Fil A sandwiches was directly motivated by the SPLC list of ‘hate’ groups. The same outlets who ran J6 stories for years while quickly moving on from politically motivated assassination attempts that nearly claimed Scalise’s life in one instance, or a sitting Supreme Court Justice in another.

What we do NOT know:

This is as important as the other part of the story. It is where so many editorialize without admitting they are doing so.

We do not know if there is any connection between the trans event and the shooting — although many have asserted this as fact.

We do not know what motivated this attack.
Was it political?
Payback for some kind of a perceived slight?
Was he a certifiable psychopath?

Those questions are the reason we have professional investigators determining the facts of the case and not the fickle shifts of public opinion.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck