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The Forever Virus: Spot What’s Weird About Trudeau’s Booster Shot Photo-Op (Video)

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While most of the world has more or less moved on from the Covid panic, too many Canadians have sadly fallen in line with the authoritarian nanny state.

Ordinary Canadians have bought into the idea that experts in labcoats can be trusted to keep everyone safe from ‘those people’ who ask questions and think for themselves.

That might explain why some 3% of annual deaths there don’t die of illness, accident or natural causes. They die because they’ve been Kevorkianed by their own ‘health care’.

No wonder there were no riots in the streets when, in the last couple of years, a strange new trend was discovered. ‘Unknown causes’ rocketed up to the #1 cause of death.

Not even the suspension of Charter Rights by protesters was enough to shake Canadians out of their slumber. As hearings unfold about the events there, the protesters are increasingly vindicated. Too bad it’s long after the Government has successfully silenced them.

It’s a great little grift that keeps Canadians thinking about something OTHER than all the reasons citizens should be upset with Trudeau’s performance as Prime Minister… especially the multiple examples of corruption allegations.

Can’t worry about that now, there’s a health emergency, Dontcha know?

Watch him in this staged photo op where Trudeau gets his booster and his flu shot for the camera.

Notice how he walks in (no mask) meets the pharmacist & shakes hand (also, no mask), walks up to the place where he will get his jab (both are now wearing masks), gets a band-aid for his boo-boo, and takes the mask off again.

Some Canadians see this for the performative and coercive act it is. The rest? They’re lapping it up.

Sad, really.

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Sir John, Eh!

Sir John, Eh! is ClashDaily's anonymous Canadian Correspondent who brings the Canuck perspective while reporting on what's going on in Justin Trudeau's woketopia.