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Stop The Secularist Presses! High-Profile Dem Cheers Religion Influencing Gov’t … Dunks On ‘Separation Of Church And State’

Well, it looks like New York City Mayor Erick Adams has gotten some of that “ol’ time religion” … or at least a simulacrum of it. Of course, color me decidedly skeptical until Hizzoner loses his proselytizing zeal for abortion and LGBTQ gibberish; and formerly disassociates himself from the entire baby-killing, family-destroying political party to which he proudly pledges his allegiance.

Nonetheless, kudos to Adams for veering starkly off Democratic script at February 28th’s New York Public Library Interfaith Breakfast. The sixty-two-year-old pol went rogue — unexpectedly schooling his misinformed and/or malign liberal confreres on the truth concerning the United States and “religion” — and repudiating this age’s fashionable “separation of Church and State” buncombe in the mix.

A comprehensive — or even glancing — survey of American history stoutly confirms the nation’s founders never envisioned anything approaching the current arrangement. They’d be appalled at today’s trendy, nearly manic hostility against any religious influences whatsoever on the country’s public life and government.

From Washington to Jefferson to Franklin to the revolutionary-era Adamses (John and Samuel) and onward to august figures like Abraham Lincoln and a raft of U.S. Chief Executives preceding and following him, there can be no second-guessing: Over the first two centuries of this Republic’s existence, its leading governmental Lights – in the capacity of their public office – prayed unashamedly, quoted Scripture confidently, made specific references to the Deity, Jesus Christ, Christianity and promoted ideals and values related to same. In front of the citizenry, they routinely spoke about God and spoke to God.

Similarly, the land’s government-shaping documents from the Declaration of Independence, to the Constitution, to disparate State Constitutions, to a crush of formal proclamations from presidents or other notables unabashedly alluded to the Creator’s authority — and humanity’s obligations to honor Him.

Bottom line:  For generations those who’d governed America – and those Americans who’d elevated them to that status — welcomed “religious” inputs into the life and polity of their nation. Moreover, it’s safe to conclude those spiritual proclivities were anchored in a biblical worldview.

>Make no mistake, Mayor Adams remains a liberal Democrat so, along with the worthwhile stuff, his address included the expected share of syncretic glop and ecumenical fogginess. (The event was, recall, an “Interfaith Breakfast”). “Church” and “synagogue” merited a mention … but also a “Sikh Temple” and “mosque”. He even tossed off a cutesy allusion to God as “she”.

Still, devotion to Vishnu or Waheguru or even Mohammed were hardly what those earlier statesmen had in mind. The United States constitutional system was unapologetically established upon principals espoused in the Hebrew/Christian Scriptures. A generically Christian perspective was its backdrop, and shaped its framework.

What did America’s Founding Giants dread and foreswear? Certainly not acknowledgement of God, or even Jesus Christ. Rather, they deplored the concept of a single, national, coercive, taxpayer-underwritten Church — what so much of Europe had endured for centuries. Thus, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution enjoins: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.

Beneath the aegis of that limitation? Patriots were encouraged to worship God, to pursue Him and serve Him according to their freely formed consciences and scripturally informed convictions; to be clear, not required; but encouraged forthrightly. One sage averred: Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” (George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796)

Despite his Donkey Party affiliations, Erik Adams seems to get this, at least instinctively. To his credit, he said as much; out loud and with moxie; into a microphone and while cameras rolled.

And the God-phobic long knives were immediately unsheathed. Critics recoiled. The Mayor’s remarks were: “[U]nhinged”, “dangerous” and “disgraceful“. A representative of the New York Civil Liberties Union insists his declarations struck her “speechless” (If only!). The atheistic Freedom from Religion Foundation is pressing Adams “to publicly rescind [his] ill-advised remarks“.

Notwithstanding the heat he took for suggesting it might be copacetic to remember the Creator of the Universe while rendering governmental service, Adams need not worry overmuch about his political prospects. As long as he continues to pitch Gotham as a militantly preserved post-Roe v. Wade “abortion hub” for mothers who can’t find a spot to kill their unborn children elsewhere, he’ll have the Liberal/Progressive vote locked up. Keeping City Treasury Simoleans funneling toward the mainstreaming of sexual/gender confusion likely guarantees he’ll survive this recent audacious detour into common sense.

Jesus said we are to evaluate people by how they live, not solely by the words they speak (or the speeches they give). A corny but piquant slogan has it this way: It’s fruit that matters, not just “toots”.

Still, considering the depths of anti-Christ depravity roiling twenty-first-century culture and society? Righteous people probably ought to take whatever they can get and hope they can build on it.

Steve Pauwels

Steve Pauwels is pastor of Church of the King, Londonderry, NH and host of Striker Radio with Steve Pauwels on the Red State Talk Radio Network. He's also husband to the lovely Maureen and proud father of three fine sons: Mike, Sam and Jake.