All Things for Good
We all know some go-to Christian verses that are easy to quote when someone ELSE is in deep yogurt but hard to lean on when it’s your OWN neck on the line.
One of the most glaring examples of that principle shows up with Romans 8:28.
Doug and Rich dig into that verse in some ways that go WAY past the superficial skimming you might find in a lot of oh-so-sassy churches today.
The conversation kicks off with some insights from that verse that has stood the scrutiny of several centuries. A book that dates back to a time when theological teaching turned boys into men instead of men into dandies.
You ready to see what most of us have been missing from that famous verse in Romans 8?
Then let’s go.
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While you’re at it, here’s Doug’s latest book:
John The Baptist: A Rude Awakening Precedes A Great Awakening.
This timely little tome chronicles the politically incorrect ministry of one of God’s most effective wildmen, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Christ’s ministry.
The abrasive message of repentance John preached 2000 years ago is still confrontational and offensive today — but it is also life-changing.
In our putrid, worldly culture that has turned away from God, this book is a must-read for every Christian.
Available in paperback for those of you who like the feel of the pages in your hot, little hands, on Kindle to keep it right at your fingertips, and as an epic Audiobook.