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TULSI HEARINGS: Dem Sen Tries To Trap Trump… Nukes OBAMA Instead (VIDEO)

Tulsi made the astronaut senator look like a space case

Sen Mark Kelly (the astronaut) tried to hit Tulsi and Trump — got hit back so hard he burned up on re-entry.

The problem with so many ‘gotcha’ questions is the fact that throwing a surprise question at someone betrays the #1 rule of asking witness testimony: never ask a question to which you do not already know the answer.

Sen Kelly may have thought he had her dead to rights in a question designed as a trap, where either Tulsi or Trump would take a hit in the way it was worded. If he had even the remotest idea of how the answer to his question would leave the Light-Bringer Obama looking like a Bond Villain, he would never have asked it in the first place.

This is four minutes of his life for which Mark would surely want to take a Mulligan.

For historical context, the European immigration crisis (and our own immigration crisis) has some direct connections to Obama’s arming of the jihadi Syrian rebels.

In summary, while Timber Sycamore was not the sole cause of the Syrian Civil War or the resulting refugee crisis, it contributed to the conflict’s complexity and duration, which in turn fueled one of the largest migrations of people in modern times. This had a direct impact on European immigration policies and indirectly influenced discussions and policies in the U.S. regarding immigration and refugee resettlement. -Grok

How many people died as a result of that policy? How many countries, including our allies, were destabilized because of the immigration crisis? Have you even HEARD about Sweden’s bombing crisis, for instance?

Fundamental transformation. That’s what Obama said he wanted. Sounds about right for someone who launched his campaign in the living room of an unrepentant member of the Weather Underground.

And yet, some people still see him as one of the ‘good’ guys.

Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck