Walk This Way – Part 1

For some folks, walking like a Christian means talking like Ned Flanders and carrying a 60lb Bible for whacking strangers over the head. The Bible, on the other hand, tells another story.
You don’t have to be some super-saint with a giant cross on your neck to walk worthy of the calling of Christ. The kind of do-and-don’t checklists we tend to associate with being religious aren’t even asking the right questions.
The way to walk worthy isn’t complicated. But the demands that come with it are exactly the kind that the stuffed-shirt judge-y churchianity type will hate the most.
See for yourself.
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While you’re at it, here’s Doug’s latest book, which he mentioned in the show:
Giles Volume II The Trump Collection (Doug Giles Art Collection)
This Donald Trump art book is the victory lap that conservatives have been waiting for since 2020. This hard-cover, full-color glossy collection by conservative painter, Doug Giles, will entertain you for hours on end and quickly become a valuable collector’s item as an icon of the MAGA movement.
“I’ve had a blast painting my Trump Collection over the last seven years. Several of these paintings made me laugh so hard that milk came out of my nostrils, and I haven’t had milk for thirty-six years. These epic paintings now reside in bars, hunting camps, man caves, she sheds, trophy rooms, and God and Country MAGA homes from sea to shining
One word of warning before you purchase this Trump Collection: This book will spawn liberal tears, Marxist rage, and NeoCon hissy fits, of course.
Finally, I hope you thoroughly enjoy this DJT gaggle of my gadfly oil paintings.” God bless, and stay rowdy. Doug Giles