Breaking: Protesters Topple Confederate Statue In Durham — Cops Do Nothing
That ‘space to destroy’ approach in Baltimore didn’t work out so well, did it?
So why are we letting mobs run riot again?
On the very same day that President Trump stood up and declared that America is a nation of laws…
…an angry mob gathered in the streets and started smashing things it found offensive.
This is the same movement that has smashed Universities if someone on the political Right is scheduled to speak.
#BREAKING Protesters in #Durham topple confederate monument downtown
— Derrick Lewis (@DerrickLewisTV) August 14, 2017
The mob is bold. They are cheering. They are openly showing their faces.
Are we still a nation of laws?
Were not people in Charlottesville saying the whole conflict might have been avoided if the counterprotesters and the protesters had been kept separate? So where is proactive by the police?
Isn’t this an ‘unlawful assembly’?
Then where are the police stepping in, and dispersing this ‘unlawful assembly’?
We anxiously await denunciations from the people on the Left, who — just days ago — pointed fingers at the Right for events in Charlottesville (even though parties on BOTH sides planned ahead for violent conflict) in their denouncing the behavior of angry mobs in the streets.
Where are leading Democrats who promised a #Resist movement?
Where are the leading Democrats who whipped up ‘impeachment’ and #NotMyPresident and the #racist narrative?
Will we see a similar denunciation of the violent mobs in Durham North Carolina from Pelosi?
Trump called for a ‘Swift Restoration of Law and Order’.